GUNNZO Open House D.I.Y. + Trading Party 5/29/2010

  • 14 years ago
One of the really great things about having a local vinyl scene are the people that come out to support it, and did they ever for Gunnzo's open house in San Diego. It was a beautiful day, the temp was about 78 with a light breeze and the view from the back porch of the quaint little vinyl shop in Old Town, San Diego was to die for! Guest Judges kaNO, Paul Kaiju, Jose Reynoso and John"Spanky"Stokes were also on hand, showing their support for the scene, but were also involved with picking the winners for the 2 custom contests. To top off the night, newcomer Jose Reynoso revealed his new "Gumpy" figure and actually gave away a prototype to one lucky attendee!
