• 14 years ago
The movie shows Maj. Ro'i Levy of the Golani Brigade discussing a dilemma he faced during Operation Cast Lead - similar to dilemmas faced countless times by other IDF soldiers and officers. Should Maj. Levy have ordered his soldiers to fire their machine guns, and risk killing Palestinian children - or hold their fire and allow terrorists to fire Kassam rockets at Sderot, possibly killing Israeli children?" The end of the story, Maj. Levy, is that he he asks - and the question is left hanging, on the stark backdrop of the common practice of Israel's enemy of taking shelter behind children. An IDF pilot tells another aspect of Israel's humanity-in-war:Hamas has no such qualms, aiming rockets indiscriminately at residential areas, schools and kindergardens, which, for example, have killed a college student when a rocket hit the Sapir campus and a young girl returning from her youth group meeting.

