New jersey homes for sale Community Preference No Longer an

  • 14 years ago
I remember fondly times that were simpler. Okay, I'm exaggerating. I'm not that old. But I have seen a massive amount of change during my time in the real estate market. We all have; whether we're IN the real estate market or just accessing it for our housing needs. We've all noticed the variety of changes in the last decade when it comes to the pricing of new homes. But the dollar amount spent per square foot isn't the only thing that is different than it was just a few years ago. It used to be that I'd come across a new client and the first question after identifying them as a buyer rather than a seller would be, Are you looking for a resale home or a new home? Years ago this may have been where the story ended if the answer was new home.There were times when there weren't that many options open to the buyer looking to build a new home in the Valley.
