The Big Bang - BYH StoryTime!

  • 14 years ago
Once upon an early dark, upon the cusp of time,
way before the planets came, and way before the light.
Deep inside the black of space, a spark was to ignite,
against the odds it grew into a fire that multiplied.
And as the fire stretched across the waiting canvas face,
particles were born and strewn about the empty space.
Temperature would heat until new plasma was infused,
radiation came along and jumped into the stew.
Atoms came to form and bond while temperatures cooled,
and when the fog had settled there, the first starlight shown through.
Now amidst the chaos and the melee came a stir,
of gravity attracting matter, packed and soon preserved.
This would happen many times, but one of these would yield,
from an iron, lava core, a magnetic field.
A celestial body would impact the second one,
while pieces made the Moon, the mass collected near the Sun.
This great mass was hit upon by shards from outer space,
the impacts would perform as catalysts to what took place.
What took place was an atmosphere of hydrogen that formed,
it cooled and steam escaped the crust as clouds gave the first storm.
Rain brought oceans, underneath; the plates lifted the land,
the tilt would lay the weather as the seasons would command.
-And this is where we leave my story, now yours must be heard,
Goodnight to creatures, great and small,
upon the good green Earth.

Written & Performed by Polonius Ficklebottom
Music/Editing/Imagery by David Dowling
