GOwear Fit Lifestyle and Calorie Management Systerm

  • 14 years ago
http://hubpages.com/hub/GoWearFitLife... A simple way to keep track of energy use and more When we are working on losing weight, sometimes we fail to take into consideration just how many calories we burn doing everyday things such as playing with our children or walking to work. This is where the GoWear fit comes into its own. It is a fantastic tool in weight loss. When you wear the GoWear fit armband, it will calculate your calorie burning, the number of steps you take, your physical activity level and even your sleep patterns. How does the GoWear fit work? The armband contains a miniature computer design to measure and record a number of physical characteristics. These include galvanic skin response, movement, skin temperature and heat flux. It is simply the only multi-sensor monitor that is able to track your physical activity, steps taken, calories burnt and sleep duration and efficiency. To effectively use the GoWear fit, simply wear it throughout the course of a normal days activity, then when you are ready, connect it to your computer to upload the recorded data onto the GoWear fit Online Activity Manager. This will help you with determining your goals and keep an eye on your progress; it will even give you tools to work out your calorie intake. This way, you will be able to work out what activities burn the most calories and as such help you to lose weight. Calorie counting on its own can be a chore. The GoWear fit with an inbuilt calorie counter will make this task easy. Weight loss is a simple formula of using more food calories than you consume. The GoWear fit helps you to stick to this formula.
