Daredevil pilot survives spectacular crash

  • 14 years ago

A Brazilian daredevil pilot escaped serious injury after his plane crashed into a river in Western Australia on Thursday.

Adilson Kindelmann was flying through a racing track built on Perth's famous Swan river during a practice run ahead of the weekend's races.

"People were in shock you know, you're talking to people and they just can't believe it just happened, it is just shocking," one eyewitness said.

"I think just everyone was amazed, they couldn't actually believe that there was anything in the water," another eyewitness told local media.

Emergency rescue teams immediately reached the area and pulled Kindelmann to safety, who sustained minor injuries, Australia Associated Press reported.

Kindelmann is new in the competition which is sponsored by the energy drink Red Bull.

The acrobatic flight competition is being held in various locations around the world.