• 14 years ago
The Savage Files #3 - Savage is banned in Britain but not Che Cuevara's daughter!?

That country should be ashamed of itself. How dare it calls itself a free nation, when they ban people on speech but not people who commited inhumane acts and murders for decades?

All you people around my age that thought Che Cuevara was this great person...prepare for a rude awakening. The fact that Britain throws this celebration like it was new years day, says all you need to know about what england has become today. Yeah ban people they don't agree with and claim they are terriosts, but allow people in who commited some of the worse acts in human history and praise it!

For all you so-called liberals and democrats that claim to care so much about minorities and homosexuals....3:40 to 5:47 will make you think twice about Che Cuevara, Fidel Castro, and feces of their elk.

*Note: I had to upload this on DailyMotion because YouTube rejected it due to length.
