Tempete du siecle a Melbourne

  • il y a 14 ans
Bloodied festival-goers, spooked racehorses, smashed windows and cars and heavy rain inside buildings were some of the surreal scenes unfolding across Melbourne, in one of the most intense storms in years.

And further north, Queenslanders are battling a once-in-a-century flood.

Yesterday's storm in Melbourne was freakish. It was sunny one moment, then suddenly hailstones as big as golf balls fell from the sky at alarming speed. A lot people weren't quick enough to get out of the way and were badly bruised and bloodied.

Melbourne's main streets became raging torrents, as the city was drenched by nearly 30mm of rain in less than 60 minutes.

The pounding of giant hailstones cracked like gunfire. The thunderstorm rolled in late in the afternoon, the mini-cyclone fanned by winds of over 100km/h an hour.

Une enorme tempete s'est abbatue sur Melbourne. de la grele, des vents a 100km/h parfois.
Dans la video on est cense voir toute la city...