Me, Merle And She

  • 14 years ago
Songs of the 40’s are my favorites. On Saturday evenings as a pre teen in Detroit in the early forties, it was customary to gather around the radio and listen to the top ten songs on the hit parade. There was no TV then. After that, the older folks took over the radio and listened to the Grand Old Opry. This song "Ma, She’s Making Eyes At Me" was on the hit list for sever weeks. Recently, while listening to music on I came across this song by one of my guitar heroes Merle Travis (most of my heroes are dead now) so I decided to make a video of it. The audio on the left side is my stuff and the audio on the right side is Merle’s stuff. If you like karoake, the words are there with the music. Sing along if you dare! I hope you like it. Art

