Yenshui Fireworks Festival - 2010

  • 14 years ago
Photos and videos from the 2010 Yenshui Fireworks Festival, in Taiwan.( 鹽水蜂炮)

The festival re-enacts the time when the people of Yenshui turned to Kuan Kong, god of war and righteousness, to save them from a terrible epidemic.
In 1875 cholera was killing off the town. In desperation, people began to parade their gods through the town and set off noisy and smoky firecrackers to scare away evil disease-spreading spirits.

But for the younger crowd, it's an opportunity to live life on the edge. Crowd of 100,000 or more can gather. It's hot smoky, and tense. When a nearby "beehive" is set off, thousands of bottle rockets fly at you and over you.
(Description extract from the Lonely Planet Taiwan)

Song : "Race to the Fire" - Bonny Tyler
Photos and videos : Marie, Ivy and Alfredo


