Dreaming in Mono : Part 4/7

  • il y a 14 ans
Stockholm/New York/Amsterdam based agency Perfect Fools created a whole new, unexpected and daring campaign for McDonalds in the Nordic countries. The story, written and directed by Jens Jonsson, was created together with TV production company Happy Fiction and is told over seven episodes on the website Dreaming In Mono. It is also broadcasted on four Nordic TV networks. The story is about a rivalry between two ski legends of which one wants to break a ski record on a monoski this topic proofs how McDonalds always thinks global but acts local. The first episode definitely made us curious to see more. Since the only link to McDonalds is that the fictional characters buy their food there, we can easily imagine that this campaign will change the McDonalds brand into a more exclusive brand or at least less mainstream. And if McDonalds would simultaneously upgrade its food, we can even imagine ourselves eating there! All in all, a beautiful example of branded content.


