Présentation PC4TW Photo Corporation For The World

  • il y a 15 ans
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For a new concept of information for everyone, PC4TW, search, respect, zoom and shoot.
Activate your spirit PC4TW for the world of tomorrow, not of blablabla but the proof in images, sharing with your friends. More eyes it is more reports.
Non profit-seeking corporation
PC4TW Report Photo Calendar Web

Pour un nouveau concept d'informations pour tous, PC4TW, repère, respecte, cadre et déclenche.

Per un nuovo tipo d'informazioni per tutti, PC4TW, riprende, rispetta, inquadra e scatta fotografie.

Por un nuevo tipo de información para todos, PC4TW, busca, respecta, enmarca y saca fotos.

New clip HD to Photo corporation For The World
for everyone
4 languages for one message .
search respect zoom and shoot
repère , respect cadre et déclenche .
Alls rights reserved, unauthorized copyingrized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and proadcasting prohibited. LC 0305.
The Web is not a free service store with the pictures of the others.
