Police Score Major Weapons Bust in Indian Kashmir

  • 14 years ago
Police in Indian Kashmir say the busting of two militant hideouts in the Kishtawar district is a major success for them.

Among the recovered arms cache were anti-tank rifle grenades that are capable of boosting penetration power to target bunkers and armored vehicles, while keeping militants at a distance.

Police busted hideouts in Kishtawar, around 168 miles from the state's winter capital of Jammu.

[Manohar Lal Thakur, Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Kishtawar]:
"From this hideout, we have recovered six anti-tank rifle grenades, three wireless sets, two under barrel grenades and two hand grenades. And we are very confident that we will neutralize militants."

The police speculate that the militants might have dumped the arms and ammunition in a bid to target some vital installations ahead of Republic Day on January 26th.

Police also say this is the first time in the two-decade history of militancy in Kashmir that weapons of such heavy caliber were recovered.