John MacArthur Still Teaching Heresy

  • 14 years ago
John MacArthur has a long history of teaching heresy. In the 1980's MacArthur presented the world with the Roman Catholic view of justification in his book "Justification By Faith." Since then, MacArthur has developed an entire heresy known as Lordship Salvation. This heresy claims that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a call to obedience, a set of commands thatt must be obeyed. Obviously, if the Gospel were a set of commands demanding obedience, then it would not be good news to guilty sinners who are legally condemned by God's Law, totally depraved, and incapable of doing any good works whatsoever. In this video, one part of John MacArthur's heresy is examined and refuted. The part examined is MacArthur's redefinition of the term "The Great Exchange." The term has always been understood as a legal change of status accomplished by God's imputing our sin to Christ and Christ's righteousness to us (this exchange takes place outside of us). MacArthur changes this definition.