Hooponopono Learn To Say No And Build Your Inner Strength Po

  • 14 years ago
Much has been talked about the power of saying yes and your ability to be open to new thinking. This is all well and good, but the universe acts like a bourse of exchange. In order to receive you must also be able to let go. Letting go is a challenge and very few of us rise to it.

Particularly in our western culture it is frowned upon to refuse a favour or to decline an invitation. Social norm has it that you must be following the conventional norm blindly or risk being labelled as rude and worse still shunned by your peers as an undesirable outcast.

It is of course well documented that people thrive better, are healthier and live longer when they are actively engaged in small communities. The anonymity of city life is the partial cause of many behavioural problems, including depression. It goes without saying that depressed people will not be good members of any society and are unable to make worthwhile contributions, let
