Onsite Content Changes - Organic Search Engine Optimization

  • 14 years ago
Now for organic search engine optimization, we are going to discuss “Onsite Content Changes.”

Now, when we are looking at a webpage in particular we are going to back to www.seo.cc and we are going to use, as an example, the search engine optimization page. Search – I’m going to write out my keywords that I want the search engine to detect and hyphen them out - optimization.html.

Now, on the page itself for the content assignment, you’re going to want to have a few areas where we make sure that within the content we’re seeing the words “search engine optimization.” In your Meta Tags, you’re going to want to make sure that your title is going to read “search engine optimization,” or at least have the keyword embedded. The title is what’s going to be at the top of the web browser when the page pulls up. It’s going to be along the top of the toolbar, there. It’s not actually going to be on the page itself.


