Electronic Cigarette Cilini Ultra Vapor Technology

  • 14 years ago
Cilini is an electronic cigarette retailer, wholesaler and vending machine distributor, which specializes in electronic cigarette research, production, development, sales, and service. Since we established this company, our focus main focus is to provide a quality, guaranteed product and become the #1 supplier worldwide of electronic cigarettes, accessories and electronic cigarette vending machines. Our management team is working directly with a worldwide vending company to bring to market electronic cigarettes at an affordable price for our customers. For years to come, Cilini electronic cigarettes will have online sales and be available in vending machines, located in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, hotels, cruise ships and more. We have a strong customer satisfaction principle and will provide the most advanced, technical products and the highest quality of service to our all customers. We maintain a high quality standard and work environment, which is equipped with the most advanced electronic cigarette devices. Our goal at Cilini is to supply “A Healthier Alternative” to people who smoke traditional cigarettes and not market our product to non-smokers or people under the legal age limit for traditional cigarettes Distributed by Tubemogul.


