Roleplay Pairings Are Mad

  • 15 years ago
Yeah so I was bored from like 12:30AM to 3:00AM last night and I didn't want to go to bed so I made thisIt sucks so bad
The pictures in this video were done by Me, Lullaby For The lost and there's one by my friend Motaki.
I counted 15 pairings and only one character that's not an OC in this video
Here are the pairings (even if there's only one or two pictures)
~Marina & Shinsetsu
~Marina & Kacz
~Creed & Jewelz
~Mika & Ishigami
~Matsuro & Mira
~Ma-sharu & Daiki (Yaoi~! Motaki is gonna kill me xD)
~Jewelz & Jocelyn
~Jewelz & Envy
~Daifu & Lupe
~Adrian & Baily
~Daniel & Amelia
~Tsubaki & Juliet
~Shijin & Nii
~Koken & Jay-lynn
~Dean & Harmony
Marina,Mika, Mira, Ma-sharu, Daiki, Jewelz, Baily, Amelia, Juliet, Nii, Jay-lynn & Dean (c) Me
Shinsetsu, Creed, Ishigami, Matsuro, Jocelyn, Daifu, Adrian, Daniel, Tsubaki, Shijin & Koken (c) Lullaby For The Lost
Lupe & Harmony (c) Motaki
Envy (c) Whoever owns FMA o.o
Kacz(c) My RL friend
