Click the link to the right to find out what the cool baby names are for boys and girls of 2009. Also, if you fill out the little form in the link you can get all kinds of FREE stuff for you and your baby. Cool baby names are getting harder and harder to find. People are now just making stuff up off the top of their head. In my opinion I think a name has to have a meaning. Most of the most popular baby names have great meanings and that's what makes them so popular. But popular names lack the unique aspect of having a cool baby name because so many people have these names. Most people just go with the trends and don't really take the time to make a good choice. The common names are my favorite because they are traditional and have great meaning. Biblical names are a great choice. Finding a rare name is just that "rare". The most unusual baby names are rare because people started to name their children after the moon, stars, night, and the water. Parents also started to find uncommon baby names by searching outside the line. They started using exotic baby names. Pregnancy and the thought of becoming a parent is an exciting thought but, naming your baby is the best part. Choosing a cute baby name is good for when the baby is just that, a baby. Think about when they grow up. Do you want your baby to grow up and become a CEO of a powerful with the name sunshine? Expecting mothers, all I can say is pick your babies name wisely and have fun!