Food Processing A CFL in HD Wide Screen

  • 15 years ago
Episode #Eight of "Can It Food Process?" Staring the Shandar 3000 [1.0 version] Processing Bot.

Today we will be food processing a CFL. The recipe calls for food processing a large 43 Watt CFL until cool and mushy. Next we will throw processed ingredients with a dab of butter on the frying pan to let sizzle for fifteen minutes until it becomes a crunchy and luscious delicious mix. The end result will Ice Cold Cooked CFL Cooler, A Perfect Treat for a Venus Fly Trap! Your host the dOvemaster is your master food processing Chef. He knows all the best recipes & that food processing food is for total retards.

Enjoy and happy cooking and yes, lets not forget, leave it up to the dOvemaster food processing chef to prepare these wholesome recipes, do not attempt these recipes yourself.
