Non Surgical Eye Rejuvenation in San Diego, CA

  • 15 years ago 858-259-FACE
Non Surgical Eye Rejuvenation - San Diego Restylane & Juvederm - Hyaluranic Acids

With age a layer of fat around our eyes begins to diminish, which leave our eyes looking hollow, sunken, and bony. This process starts as early as mid 30’s and continues to worsen with age. In these cases, removing fat would make the eyes look even more sunken and hollow. Therefore, fillers such as Restylane can be used to fill the tear troughs of the lower lids as well as the hollows along the upper eyelid region.This is an in-office procedure and typically takes 10 minutes and is virtually painless. Until recently, this component of facial aging was overlooked. We are now realizing what a major contribution volume makes to looking younger, healthier and more energetic.
