• 16 years ago
A film by the scandinavian artist duo: Frode & Marcus.
Featuring music by: The Subliminal Kid.

The Pandaman can only understand what he hates. He detests the norms of society, and he is not able to live among other people, he thinks humans are stupid, unpleasant and fake, By wearing a mask he is hiding his feelings, he does not have to pretend to be happy or sad. He can allow himself to just be what he is.
A frightening and pitiful character with a psychotic rage.
He is trapped in a world where every aspect of reality is long gone, he has turned into something that is neither human nor beast.
The Pandaman lives a life in complete isolation, building a world filled with his own occult rituals, he is burning umbrellas, transforms into tinfoil, and with a rage he pulls trees from its roots.

Who is the Pandaman? Is he your janitor? Is he your local shopkeeper? Is he your school teacher?
