Truck Accident Lawyers That Do What They Say They Will Do

  • 15 years ago
At Gordon & Elias, L.L.P., we do exactly what we say we are going to do. Foe instance, when we say we are nationally base, we mean it and that means your case will be filed and handled in the best venue [location] that can possibly be in your facts. This is true even if we have to bring another firm to help us at no charge to you if, for instance, we are not licensed in a particular state. That is because, we want you, our client, to get the best possible results that we can get you. It is not about our pocketbook, its about yours. Too many times, lawyers "lose sight" that this is a profession and not a businness. Yes, we will make money but creaming the other side for what they did to you and your family is what we want to do most of all. Truck drivers that pushed a little too far in missing sleep; truck companies that ran the truck that extra run without servicing the brakes all in the name of profits is unexcusable behavior.

Talk to a REAL truck accident lawyer, call 800-773-6770
