Fulfillment of Covenant (1988 Conf.) & In Defense of Bible

  • 15 years ago
In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the first half of this video at the 1988 Submitters Conference Dr. Rashad Khalifa explains the fulfillment of the Covenant and Messengership.

The second half of the video is in defense of the Bible. More and more people are increasingly disillusioned with the Bible. They grow up learning that the Bible is the word of God, but when the study the Bible carefully they discover that it contains too many unacceptable contradictions. A very good example is in the market today in the book stores, we find the book by Carl Segan called "Contact" and on page 30 of this book we find that in the Gospel of Mathew there are 28 generations between David and Jesus but, in the Gospel of Luke we see that the number of generations from David and Jesus is 43. Now how this could be the word of God. Does God know how many generations there are between David and Jesus? The names in Mathew and in Luke are not even similar, and this destroys the credibility of the Bible as the word of God. How can we explain these contradictions? This program will prove to you that the Bible is in fact the Word of God. These indefensible contradictions are there because they were injected by human beings. Any contradictions, any nonsense you see in the Bible is the result of human interference and this program will prove that vast majority of the Bible is divine truth. The truth about Jesus .

Visit http://submission.ws/index.php/appendix-19-hadith-a-sunna-satanic-innovations/157-appendix-22-jesus.html
