Big Brother | Charigo Part 19 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Day 54 - 55

Rodrigo says he only has sexual attraction for Charlie
Noirin tells Rodrigo that he fancies Charlie
Rodrigo says Charlie is a friend
Charlie asks Rodrigo if he fancies him
Charlie tells Rodrigo if he said he fancied he then he would consider having sex with him
Charlie doesn't want unmeaningful sex
Rodrigo says he is only looking for sex
Marcus and Sophie and talking about how funny Charigo arguments are
Rodrigo and Sophie scare Charlie
Rodrigo and Charlie turn their mics off to talk between the Diary room and the house
Charigo are telling Marcus what they talked about in the diary room
Charlie watches Rodrigo make the bed beside him so he can sleep
Charlie and Rodrigo check on Marcus who is walking around under a duvet
Charigo are talking about Marcus loosing the plot at the table
Charlie tells Rodrigo that they can share is beans the next day
Charigo plan to steal Marcus's drink and drink it in the toilet
Charigo talk to Marcus a the table
