Atmani Show 002

  • 15 years ago
Welcome to Atmani a music video program. It is a program of different kirtans and bhajans that spread the holy name of the Lord These mantras glorify the Lord and His devotees. In Sri Caitanya-bhagavata the meaning of mantra is explained. “The process for remaining aloof from material thoughts is called mantra. Instruction in the form of sound vibration is the only method for becoming free from thoughts of enjoyment and renunciation. One achieves perfection in chanting mantra when one keeps the vibrated sound within his heart and controls his materially attached mind. One person’s mind is different from another person’s mind, therefore the act of remembrance is intended for an individual. Therefor the chanting of the name “hari” by and individual is called mantra.”
There is no end of the value of the holy name of the Lord. In this day and age chanting the Maha Mantra is the recommended process for reestablishing our loving relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


