Wer Wind Sat

  • 15 years ago
Sort of reminded me of Seph, so it'd be more of his and JENOVA's theme, with Cloud and Co. being the good that is trying to stop the evil... Something like that. Put to "Wer Wind Sat" by E Nomine, lyrics below. Enjoy!!

"Whoever sows the wind will harvest the storm.

The wild wind is leaving the burned Earth and Pluto will rule. (x2)

Whoever sows the wind will harvest the storm.

Darkness comes when light goes. Good's tracks have always been swept away by evil.

We ruin everything that anger has sown. We burn the Earth so that it will shine.

The wild wind is leaving the burned Earth and Pluto will rule. (x2)

Whoever sows the wind will harvest the storm.

Good overcomes. The Earth stands silent. Evil will rule. The storm betrayed evil.

Death is eternal. Life passes. The Gods forget. Revenge has been reaped.

Revenge has been reaped!

The wild wind is leaving the burned Earth and Pluto will rule. (x2)

Whoever sows the wind will harvest the storm."
