Genital Herpes Treatment

  • 15 years ago
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease or STD that affects the genitals of males and females with small bumps or lesions, much like genital herpes. The difference between the two is that genital herpes forms into small blisters that will burst and cause lesions and open sores that are more painful than genital warts. Genital herpes is spread through sexual contact, and caused by the HSV-2 virus in most cases, but can be caused by the HSV-1 virus or the virus that causes fever blisters. There is no cure for genital herpes, only treatments to help alleviate pain and outbreaks.

Acyclovir or Valacyclovir

Both of these drugs are in the class known as antiviral medications. These are known to help kill off the virus that causes genital herpes. Even though it kills the HSV virus, the virus will always be present in the body and therefore recurrent outbreaks are to be expected throughout the lifetime of the host. Valacyclovir is
