Ayurvedic Medicine

  • 15 years ago
click here for more info: http://www.createyourhealth.com/wordpress/296 Andrew Leavenworth, B.A. Child Development, M.S. Ayurveda, M.S. Homeopathy Ayurveda means “knowledge of life” and it is an ancient “science of living” that originated in India for balancing body, mind and spirit. The supreme emphasis of Ayurveda is prevention of disease through strengthening the digestive function, along with diet, exercise, breathing and seasonal cleansing and rejuvenation practices that are in alignment with the individual constitution you were born with. To remove toxic accumulations or to restore depleted tissues Ayurveda uses herbs, bodywork treatments with warm herbal oils followed by steaming or hot compresses. Ayurveda also features multiple specialized treatments including those for muscles and joints that have been injured or are weak, stiff, or painful.
