How to Buy a Camcorder -

  • 15 years ago - Secure order online best priced camcorders. "Hi, I'm Christopher Rokosz, actor, director, producer and I'm going to tell you how to buy a camcorder. First of all, congratulations on your decision. Buying a camcorder is an awesome, awesome thing. I make my money with them everyday. I love it, they're like an extension of my body. Choosing the right one though for the right application is important. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to make home movies? Are you going to make videos for YouTube on the Internet? Are you going to make independent films? Are you going to make feature films? That's going to dictate a lot. The other thing that dictates a lot, as always, is your budget. How much cash do you have to spend? You can get some basic ones in the three hundred dollar range, in the eight hundred dollar range, in the twelve hundred, three thousand, eight thousand and six thousand, not quite in order there but you get what I'm saying, good decisions to be made in any category. Alright, my opinion on what to look for in a good camcorder; if you're doing it for home video then auto, auto, auto is your best bet, fully automatic. And you may even consider a one that goes right to DVD. Now that's for somebody who just wants to, to keep their memories. This is not about, it doesn't make it easy necessarily to edit and post produce. What the DVD burning ones are nice for is you take it out of the camera and you place it in to something that everybody has, a DVD player so you can start watching it. So if you're using it the way your parents used their Super8 movie cameras then that's the way to do it. You could of course, you can digitize it, edit it, but it's not its primary function. If you are wanting to do some editing and some posting and getting it digital, but make sure it's got a fire wire cable. Some of them have HDMI but fire wire's going to be the easiest to plug in to the camera and then right in to your computer and begin the post production process. The other ...
