A Night Under the Stars w/ National Coalition of 100 B.W.

  • 15 years ago
On June 6th, 2009 the National Coalition of 100 Black Women had their 23rd annual fundraiser. Proceeds from A Night Under the Stars went to benefit NCBW advocacy and programs in the areas of health, education, economic and youth development. The opening title of the video has a quote by Maya Angelou that best sums up the purpose of this event, "I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." There is nothing like a great party to liberate the soul.

PartyBuddys is proud to say their world famous talent of creating celebrities out of everyday,hardworking people is an honor to perform when it is for a great cause like this one. Oh yeah, PartyBuddys does red carpet events if you haven't heard and not to be cocky, we do it pretty damn well...

Video was directed, shot, and produced by James King of PartyBuddys.