Gerd Cure Apple

  • 15 years ago
Gerd Cure Apple
Is an apple really a natural GERD cure?

Many people are finding out that antacids will only work for a few years before you need to start a different gerd treatment.
And some of those GERDS sufferers are trying an apple.

(gerd cure apple)
(foods to avoid on gerd diet)
(gerd diet plan)
(diet for gerd)

A red apple is a simple Natural GERD cure you can try tonight!
However, because research has expanded so much in acid reflux natural health,
there are numerous other ways to treat your disease naturally.

(gerd diet)
(gerd symptoms)
(the gerd diet)
(gerd treatment)

There are some foods to avoid on a gerd diet,
and foods that you may be able to enjoy occasionally as well.
One of the more unknown remedies for acid reflux is apple cider vinegar.

(gerd diet foods to avoid)
(vegetarian gerd diet)
(gerd and diet)
(gerd diets)
