• 15 years ago
http://www.qcseminars.com/success2009 Roberta Faddoul has concentrated her entire lifetime in one field: discovering the best methods of creating a more fulfilling and abundant lifestyle – and sharing this vital knowledge with others. She is widely regarded as Australia’s ‘most connected individual’ in the personal development and wealth creation arena. Her company, QC Seminars, has coached thousands of people over the last few years.

And as a result of the high interest rates, petrol and food prices, she asked the question: why not get all these ‘wealth experts’ together and pack them into one weekend seminar – that any Australian can attend absolutely free to generate overnight results in their earning power – so startling that it may take their breath away.

This is the goal of this event! “The job was too important to be left to somebody else,” Ms. Faddoul says, “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do everything in my power to help Australians create prosperity in these trying times.”
