Peak oil out of the mouths of babes comes truth

  • 15 years ago
It's our future and we need to get control of it.

Hi, my name is Anais.

My speech is about how oil is running out and what we can do. Everything you are wearing, all your household furniture, packaging, toys, computers, food, chocolate biscuits [sigh] is made using oil.

Oil is a fossil fuel which means it is made from the bodies of tiny little critters who lived in the ocean between 90 and 150 million years ago. When they died they were buried under the ocean floor where they were squashed, crunched, heated and eventually turned into oil.

There were about two trillion barrels of oil made — but in the last 125 years we have hit the peak, we have already used half of it. Once oil fields reach their half-way point it gets harder and more expensive to get the oil out of the ground.

Because our population keeps growing we need more and more oil every day. We are running out. If we run out the world might be like it was 150 years ago. No play stations, TVs, overseas holidays, mobile phones or junk food.

So, what do you think we should all do about it?

We need to learn to do things without using oil. For example, we will need to ride horses and bikes, know how to grow our own organic food to feed ourselves, and know how to makes our own clothes and shoes. At least we will eat healthy!

We have lots to learn and we need to start now. We also need to tell our parents, councils and government to find out about peak oil and stop doing dumb things like building more roads and buildings. It's our future and we need to get control of it.

Anais gave this talk 2 years ago when she was 11

Psalm 8:2 - "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained STRENGTH because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger."


