
  • 15 years ago

WASHINGTON, D.C. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released a new YouTube video targeting the failure of Washington Democrats trillion-dollar stimulus bill and asking where are the jobs? The tongue-in-cheek web video, inspired by a classic 1984 TV commercial by now-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), features a job-sniffing GOP bloodhound named Ellie Mae and a down-home voiceover by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA).

This is a lighthearted web video, but the underlying point is no laughing matter, Boehner said. At a time when Americans are looking to Washington for leadership, the trillion-dollar stimulus has been a wasteful failure. Americans were promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate from going above eight percent. Its now at 9.4 percent, and rising. Where are the jobs?

In the video, job-sniffing bloodhounds follow the stimulus money trail across the nation in search of the millions of jobs the Obama Administration promised to save or create if the trillion-dollar spending bill were enacted. The trail takes them to AIG Headquarters in New York City, where stimulus funds were used to pay big bonuses to top executives; to Wisconsin, where stimulus funds are paying for repairs to a bridge that reportedly carries about 260 cars per day, many to a place called Rustys Backwater Saloon, according to a June 16 report in the Wall Street Journal; and to North Carolina, where stimulus funds were reportedly used by one town to hire a new worker whose job is to apply for more stimulus funds from Washington.

