Clérambault Réc Crom et Corn Sép en Dialogue (#6 1er Ton)

  • 15 years ago
Gilberto Guarino plays Clérambault. Suite du Premier Ton. #6 Récits de Cromorne et de Cornet Séparés, en Dialogue. Temperament: 1/4 comma meantone.
This composition, one more produced by the genius of Louis-Nicolas Clérambault, may be seen as an "archetype" of french baroque organ music. The theme is introduced in the "Jeu Doux" . The, after a development until the bass, it is re-exposed, varied and augmented in the "Cromorne". Suddenly, there comes the "Cornet" answering trough a different musical idea, to which the "Cromorne" replies, but dealing with a third motif, in A Minor. After both first sections are reinforced, they are (both in the "dessus") united in parallel thirds, upon a chromatic flute pedal. It is really "un chef d' oeuvre"...


