Underworld 3 DVD Competition

  • 15 years ago
We have 2 copies of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans to give away thanks to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Zing. To Enter email competitions@coolshite.net (subject line Underworld Competition) and tell us the following: Which of the (Cool) Shite Crew if a vampire, werewolf or puny human? Who would win in the fight? Entries close June 30th and winners will be announced after July 10th and notified by email. Check out our review of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. http://tinyurl.com/nbapmf Entry Requirements * Only open to Australia residents * Send us your postal address with the entry for quick dispatch of the DVD if you win. http://www.coolshite.net/podcasts/2009/06/17/underworld-rise-lycans-competition/
