Trailer - Motherboard - Meet The Electrophobes

  • 15 years ago
SERIES STARTS MONDAY ON VBS.TV Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity is the umbrella term for a host of weird medical conditions supposedly brought on by an allergy to the electric fields emitted by all the electronic gadgets and dealies we surround ourselves with. A lot of doctors think that it's bullshit, but a lot of EHS sufferers think that they're bullshit. We think... well, we're really not sure what we think. So we went to Britain to chat up a couple of doctors on different sides of the debate and visit a woman whose EHS is so severe it's basically turned her into the bubble boy of the new millennium, just with electromagnetic radiation taking the place of germs. We thought about bringing one of those little electric joy buzzers to shake her hand with, but ultimately decided it was far too cruel/couldn't find one in time. WATCH EXCLUSIVES ON WWW.DELLLOUNGE.COM