Destroying EvolutionTheory. photosynthesis & Plants Agree To

  • 15 years ago
Hi, we will be talking Breifly During our Video About very important Phenomena that we can't see it also most of us Doesn't know it, these Phenomena can Destroy Darwins theory, These Phenomena is called photosynthesis , what is photosynthesis ? itis The process by which plants and other autotrophs generate oxygen & carbohydrates from carbon dioxide, water, and light energy , photosyntheisis is the proces by plants & Trees Absorb Carbon Dioxide which we breath then converts it into Oxygen which we can't live without it, as without photosynthesis we were not going to be able to live, because we breath Oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, so if there were no photosynthesis the percentage of oxygen in AIR WERE GOING TO DECREASE TILL WE DIE & Amount of carbon dioxide were going to increase , but the role of plants is to absorb these carbon dioxide and converts it into oxygen that we can breath it back and without photosyntheisis oxygen were going to finish from air, many scientists agreed that it is not possible that photosynthesis has came by Evolution till recently some Sceintists has fabricated some answers for these, Is evolution is an Intelligent creature that he knows that without Photosynthesis were not going to be able to have oxygen to survive, as photosynthesis is very complicated thing which is Impossible to be has came by evolution, as there must be god who knows every thing and created us, also We will be talking about how every thing on earth is completing the others to survive and at end all are helping us, if any of things which is found now were missed the whole life were has not been Existed but god has designed to that every thing created help the others to survive. also Evolution theory is fabricated in very intelligent way that can make people to follow it, by my advise that you should know that there is Satan & Evils playing in your head so you should use your mind and compete Satan and follow Islam which will lead you to heaven


