Atheism Dinosaurs Destroying Atheism Theory

  • 15 years ago
Hi Every Body, just here trying to destroy Atheism Theory, just if we worked on Atheism theory then Tiny and small Creaturers should come first then by time they become bigger and more huge, but what happened in our real life that huge and bigger creatures came first then by time they become smaller in size, as Dinosaurs & Bigger creatures came first then by time come smaller creatuers after them and i have approved these by saying looking to dinosausr which sceintists said that they existed from 250 millions years while they said that Humans existed only from 250 thousands years also i said you can go to ancient museum and you will find their mummys were bigger than our bodies now, i don't know if we came before or after dinosaurs iam just saying what sceintists is saying, also every person have Senses & feeling how bacteria were able to form these senses , also bacteria can't form one peice of bone, please see and hear, also is the right that's for sure, all logical evidence says that islam is the only right religion and that there is god all evidence and logic says these
