• 2 days ago
The Real Housewives of Sydney - Season 3 Episode 3

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00:00Previously, on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
00:17I caught onto your bullshit and you don't like it.
00:20You are jealous.
00:21Jealous of what?
00:22You're jealous of my friendship with Terri.
00:23Oh my God.
00:25You're jealous of the fact that you get most of your money from your ex-husband.
00:28Kate is hitting below the belt.
00:31You're actually disgusting.
00:32This is actually the most toxic person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
00:36And I never want to be around her ever again.
00:39I love spending time with you.
00:42Oh, hello!
00:44She's naked.
00:45Oh my God.
00:46She's naked.
00:47Have you heard from Kate?
00:49You've catered for her, planned for her.
00:50I know.
00:51I know.
00:52I'm not even interested in talking about it.
00:54Just the height of bad manners.
00:57Let's get this party going!
01:02Look at you two coming in together.
01:04Oh, lady!
01:05Did you two plan your outfits?
01:07I was starting to get the single white female vibe.
01:10Victoria and Martine look the same, act the same, walk the same, talk the same.
01:16Oh my God, when these two had the fight.
01:18I felt a little bit spied on by Chrissie.
01:22I'm trying to relax.
01:23I don't want problems.
01:25Build a bridge and get over it, girl.
01:27What happened with Terry?
01:29Any friend who is so petty is not someone that I want to be around.
01:34I like to block out negativity in my life.
01:44Is it too early for T-bombs?
01:47Friends are like diamonds.
01:49Just watch out for the fakes.
01:52Life is my runway and I never miss a step.
01:56My skirts may be short, but I'm not short of an opinion.
02:01Create your own success and you answer to no one.
02:05My life is a fairy tale, but this princess does not need saving.
02:11My life is a fairy tale, but this princess does not need saving.
02:16Kindness should never be mistaken for weakness.
02:21When you're a classic like me, you don't need a comeback.
02:25Sydney may be full of icons, but I'm still the main attraction.
02:41Hey, you guys are from the place.
02:47PJs and heels, you hottie.
02:49How did you sleep?
02:51Yeah, I'm fine.
02:52I am a little bit hungover, but it's good.
02:56It's good.
02:57I'm good.
02:58You all right?
02:59I loved how honest Victoria was last night.
03:02It was a little bit, you know, it was uncomfortable.
03:05See how from my point of view, it's actually offensive.
03:08I know.
03:09The way she said it was offensive.
03:10You're the only person that she hasn't had a go at,
03:13and do you think that's because she had cancer?
03:16Like, she will never come for you.
03:18I feel like I came out of that thing stronger,
03:21so why are you pitying me?
03:22I don't want that.
03:24So angry with Victoria.
03:25I mean, this statement is reeks of somebody
03:28who's never been through anything.
03:30I think pity is condescending.
03:31It is.
03:32It's not sympathy.
03:34It's pity, and it's weak.
03:35I don't like it.
03:37I don't like it.
03:38I feel like a victim, and that's not what Sally's about.
03:41People don't treat me differently.
03:43Like, that doesn't happen, so I'm like,
03:45why is that happening in this friendship group?
03:55Hey, morning.
03:58Oh, Chrissie, that looks beautiful.
04:01You have, I mean, completely outdone yourself.
04:04Yes, again, Chrissie.
04:06Well, cheers to us.
04:08What a fun weekend.
04:09How can you back it up?
04:10I am...
04:11Well, that's the whole thing.
04:12I need a hair of the dog,
04:13otherwise I couldn't get up and do this.
04:15I love having everyone in my home.
04:17I do wish that Kate could have made it,
04:19because I think, you know, having everyone there
04:21would have made it even all the more special,
04:23but, you know, I think maybe there was less drama.
04:26I just loved the fact that those...
04:28I mean, I sent to Delphi a couple of hot waiters.
04:31I don't know what got lost in translation.
04:35Oh, no.
04:37Did you see Martine's face?
04:39That was very cheeky of you, Chrissie.
04:41It was cheeky.
04:43I don't think Martine's quite used to fun.
04:45I mean, seriously.
04:47What did you think?
04:48Like, I thought Martine virtually didn't speak.
04:50You know, I think it's hard for her.
04:52This is, like, one of the first times she's left her kids.
04:54It's not easy.
04:55But I don't think it's to do with leaving the kids.
04:57I think it's to do with whether, you know,
05:00we're older and stronger or...
05:02I'm not that much older than her.
05:04She's 41. I'm 45.
05:06Oh, I'm telling you, honey, go and get some work.
05:08You look a lot older.
05:12So, are you excited to get back home and see the kids and John?
05:15I'm so excited.
05:17I'm jumping out of my skin. I can't wait!
05:19It's nice to be here with you.
05:21So, overall, first girls' trip with my group of friends,
05:25how did it go?
05:27I think, you know, for me, I would prefer a holiday one-on-one.
05:31So, were you still bored last night?
05:33No, last night was better.
05:35Less frivolous celebrity gossip chat,
05:37which I'm not interested in.
05:39Less negative conversation about Kate.
05:43We need Caroline to cool down and make up with Kate,
05:47and then this, it's going to disappear.
05:50I'm kind of wanting to know Kate.
05:52I feel bad for Kate.
05:53Do it.
05:54I almost wonder if she feel...
05:56for the sort of outlier factor.
05:58I would love to see that I could be a connector
06:02for Kate to feel more comfortable with the group.
06:05I feel that Kate and I,
06:07Kate would probably find the same things cringe that I find cringe.
06:10She finds most things cringe.
06:11I find everything cringe.
06:12I think, like, I need someone else here who's going to be a bit like...
06:17So, where to from here?
06:19With Kate.
06:20Like, we were friends.
06:21You were friends.
06:22I'm sure we'll get back there.
06:23You were friends.
06:24I'm a little bit nervous because the stuff that was thrown at me,
06:27that night, I mean, we were both, you know, in a flurry.
06:32We went from zero to ghetto in 1.5 seconds, you know.
06:36Arguing with Kate at Sally's glow up,
06:39I was at a boiling point, and I was really hurt.
06:42What I've realised is that the only way forward at this stage
06:45is forgive and forget and move on.
06:49I just want us to start fresh.
06:52There's no point in going back and digging up old skeletons.
06:55Let's just forget about it.
06:57You know what I want to do?
06:58Next time I see her, I just want to walk in, not speak,
07:01and just hug it out.
07:02That, to me, would be ideal.
07:04I don't know that Kate will, but anyway.
07:06So, what do you think Martine and Victoria...
07:09I thought it was a bit of, like, the Bobsy twins,
07:11you know, dressing this, dressing that.
07:13Look at you two coming in together.
07:16Did you two plan your outfits?
07:19I think it's super cute, the Victoria-Martine relationship,
07:23because it is very sisterly.
07:25I think, like, Christy's looking at us like we're dressing the same,
07:29but ultimately it's because she dresses differently.
07:33Zimmerman and Dolce & Gabbana are standard.
07:36It's just a uniform.
07:37I know.
07:38Maybe she...
07:39Christy's into, you know...
07:40Well, she does.
07:41The people that make the good short things,
07:43for those of us who are with the legs.
07:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:46We're not the big implant girls that want to do that.
07:50I've come into the group as a new person,
07:52and there's someone else that's into fashion,
07:55miniskirts, diamonds,
07:57and I guess she just associates that as being Victoria's patch.
08:02There's more than one of us.
08:04She's old school.
08:05She shops in, like, in the stores.
08:07She actually goes there.
08:08We're online, baby.
08:09Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:10We're online.
08:13And then I brought up that fight, which was like a sister squabble.
08:16I shouldn't have brought it up.
08:17Maybe that was not the right time or place.
08:19But for me, it meant nothing.
08:21I saw it as funny and cute, giving them a compliment,
08:24meaning I worked out today how close you both really are.
08:27Build a bridge and get over it, girls.
08:29Everyone's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
08:31She's a deep thinker.
08:32She's a deep thinker.
08:34I'm a bit more like Victoria.
08:35I'm quite basic.
08:36Yeah, she's probably...
08:37Are you saying Victoria's basic?
08:39Yeah, totally.
08:42I did feel, like, at the table last night a little bit embarrassed.
08:47Chrissy brought up the fact that, you know,
08:50we'd had a little disagreement.
08:52It made me feel watched and assessed,
08:55and I'm not sure that that's how I want to feel coming in here.
09:00This Noosa trip, while it has been fun,
09:02Chrissy made me feel spied upon, and that's not something
09:06that I want to feel when I go away on a girls' trip.
09:09So at some point, I know that I will want to bring this up with Chrissy.
09:14It's funny because she is actually quite sensitive,
09:16but she sometimes lacks just a certain grace
09:19in what she decides to raise.
09:22She's brash.
09:24OK, well, let's go, because I really want to get home to my kids.
09:27I'm going to let you finish packing, and I promise
09:29I'm going to try and not steal all these looks.
09:31OK, well, you've been let into the treasure trove now.
09:33Yeah, it's OK.
09:34OK, bye, Gogi.
09:35Bye, darling.
09:39Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney...
09:42I'm so nervous for you.
09:44How do you feel?
09:47Ah, there she is.
09:50Come here, little shit.
09:52Can't get make-up on my collars.
09:54There's no hugging this out.
09:56I'll be taking that drink. Come on.
09:58I feel that your MO is to put newbies
10:03through some kind of hazing process.
10:12You don't have to say please
10:14And any time you want me
10:16I'll be there
10:18Ain't nobody like you
10:20Have a seat.
10:21Thanks so much.
10:22You're welcome.
10:23You are, you are
10:25You make me feel alive
10:28Do you want to tell me a bit about what's brought you here?
10:31So I have kidney disease, and I was diagnosed earlier this year.
10:36And so it was quite a shock.
10:38I really thought when I was ill, I thought,
10:40Oh my gosh, I'm going to die.
10:42I've never been a sick person.
10:45I think of myself like Teflon.
10:48So all of a sudden, the way I had to think about myself
10:51was a little bit different.
10:53It's been quite an adjustment to my life.
10:55My nephrologist obviously has me on a whole bunch of medications.
10:59She talked quite a lot about, you know, stress.
11:01And I did feel like maybe acupuncture could help.
11:04For probably the last 10 years of my life,
11:06I reckon I have worked 90 hours a week.
11:10I think the trauma of being a vet becomes so normalised
11:15that all of a sudden you don't actually realise
11:17that it's not quite normal.
11:20There wouldn't be a day that goes past
11:22that I don't see multiple dead patients.
11:25If you want to take a breath in and out.
11:29And I think it definitely over time affects your health.
11:33So what we're doing here is really boosting the kidney energy.
11:37And then we're also using points to relieve stress.
11:41I'm definitely choosing what I give my energy to these days.
11:45So I didn't go to NUSA
11:47because this friendship group has been very, very stressful.
12:03God, don't you think I'm like a really good golf cart driver?
12:06You are the best golf cart driver ever.
12:13So where are we starting?
12:15So this is the tee.
12:17So that's the hole up there.
12:19I'm so grateful to be back in Sydney.
12:21I prefer spending time with John than going on a girls' trip.
12:25John doesn't make fun of me behind my back.
12:28He's decided that we will be doing a new hobby together,
12:32which is golf.
12:35You want a yellow ball?
12:37No, yellow doesn't coordinate with my outfit.
12:40That's all I've got, yellow.
12:44I think that golf fashion is quite cute.
12:46I think you can do a take on golf that is a little bit Barbie vibes.
12:51I love a little pleated skirt.
12:54I think whites, pinks can make it cute.
12:58Now this is the tee where we start from.
13:00And this is the tee.
13:01Sorry, I felt like some sun was hitting me.
13:03I got distracted by my nemesis.
13:05Let's not ruin the day. It's a beautiful day.
13:07Am I going first?
13:09So put that there.
13:10Now I'm going to get you a golf club.
13:13You're going to have to put the parasol down.
13:15No, you'll have to hold it for me.
13:17Keep the sun off.
13:19That nemesis is looking for me.
13:21I know, I got it. Here we go.
13:23So ready?
13:24Butt out, straight back.
13:27How do I look?
13:32I'm so good.
13:33I know, look at that, straight down the middle.
13:35I'm really good.
13:37It's been a huge change for John and I since he's been retired in a good way.
13:42You know, we're just able to be together so much more than we were before.
13:47There we go, we're away.
13:51Okay, good.
13:52How much longer does this go for?
13:53Four hours.
13:56I find sports in general to be just a no-go zone.
14:01I think that the perfect couples activity for us should be things that I like to do.
14:07I like horse riding, I like walking, I like facials.
14:11Let's sport more of that stuff.
14:13So this is the hole.
14:15Yeah, okay.
14:16The object, get the ball into the hole.
14:18That I know.
14:31Is my makeup okay?
14:32Usually we like stick it on and hide it behind the ears.
14:35Don't put it under the eyes.
14:42So this week it's Australian Fashion Week and I've been asked to walk for Jordan Gogos and Akira Isagawa.
14:50And I'm very, very excited.
14:54I'm so grateful to have Sally and Chrissy come and support me.
14:58It's always nice to have familiar faces in the audience.
15:02Oh my god, yes!
15:04Oh my god, look!
15:07Oh my god!
15:08Is this what you're wearing?
15:09Yes, this is what I'm wearing.
15:11I'm so nervous for you.
15:13How do you feel?
15:19It's alright, she's pretty.
15:22I let her out sometimes.
15:24Look at these nails.
15:26Is this a part of it?
15:27Oh yeah, it's glitz and glamour baby.
15:29Jordan, I've looked around.
15:31What's the vibe?
15:32There's a lot of diverse looking models here.
15:34A lot of diversity.
15:35We just want to champion different personalities on this runway.
15:37Caroline, being called diverse, sees it as an insult because she sees herself as an iconic model from the 80s.
15:46Everyone's a superstar in this room.
15:48Yes, I agree.
15:49I think that's great.
15:50I'll go with superstar.
15:52You're definitely the superstar that's going to fly in and take over the room.
15:55I'm just jealous.
15:56Good luck.
15:57Break a leg.
15:58Break a leg.
15:59We'll be in the front row waiting.
16:00What am I going to do?
16:01I'm so excited.
16:09Oh, I'm so excited.
16:14This is such a Caroline show, right?
16:16It's so left of centre.
16:20I'm loving this.
16:26I'm so excited for Caroline.
16:27This is huge.
16:28Oh, hello!
16:33Did I say that out loud?
16:34I didn't think you would do that for a fashion week.
16:39Australian fashion week, you can expect anything.
16:42Tight bulging, I mean tight jeans, bare chested guy.
16:47Did I say bulging?
16:48I mean muscles.
16:49That was it.
16:56Oh, oh.
17:02Oh my God, here she is, here she is, here she is.
17:04Oh my God.
17:05Oh my God.
17:09We're Chrissy and I wooing.
17:10Lucky Victoria wasn't there, she hates a woo.
17:18Oh wow.
17:19Oh my God.
17:26Caroline's got the moves, right?
17:28The old school 90s moves.
17:29She's like giving it the hips, giving it the shoulders, the boob.
17:36Oh yeah.
17:37Oh yeah.
17:42She is just dead sunlit.
17:48It was amazing.
17:49I loved every part of it.
17:51I would rate her a five out of ten.
17:53Every part of it.
17:54I would rate her walk as, I mean, I couldn't even compete.
17:58Like that, she glided.
18:00Oh my God, here she is.
18:03Oh my God.
18:06We're so proud of you.
18:08Oh my God.
18:10You owned the catwalk.
18:11Yes, yes.
18:12We couldn't stop staring at you.
18:13Are you serious?
18:14Yes, yes.
18:15At 52, I still think I've got what it takes on the runway.
18:18So who knows where modelling's going to take me next.
18:20But I'm definitely not getting out of bed for less than 10K a day.
18:25To you.
18:26That was fun.
18:27To you, to you.
18:31Coming up on The Real Housewives of Sydney.
18:34About the cancer thing.
18:36You're putting me in a box.
18:38I'm going to treat all these other people in the group this way
18:41and we'll have this friendship.
18:42But you, sick girl, are over here.
18:45I could have turned to Martine and said,
18:47you want to give me manners, girl?
18:49You're sitting at my dinner table with my house, my chef,
18:52my entertainment, and you're telling me you're bored.
18:54I could have turned around and said that to her.
18:56Now that's rude.
19:13Hi, babe.
19:16How are you?
19:17I'm good.
19:18How are you guys?
19:19Oh, my God, I'm glad you bought your umbrella.
19:21It's very sunny today.
19:22Of course, essential.
19:30How are you, gorgeous?
19:32We have just had a crazy jumping session.
19:35So pretty standard for you, then.
19:36Yeah, but I was thinking, do you want to warm him down for me?
19:39Some dressage.
19:40He's ready for some chill.
19:41He's ready for some...
19:42Some baby talk.
19:43Baby talk, cuddling.
19:46He needs one thing before we go out there.
19:49Some braids.
19:50Oh, my God, that's so dressage.
19:51All right, Malcolm, are you ready?
19:52Yeah, hairstyle.
19:53You ready to become a dressage pony?
19:54He's ready.
19:55Let's go.
19:56Good boy.
19:58Today we're in Freeman's Reach to see my horse, Malcolm,
20:02one of the only places that I ever leave Double Bay to go to.
20:07And how do you think he'll feel with having someone on him
20:09that just wants to baby talk and cuddle?
20:12I think he's going to be OK.
20:16Should we put a braid in your tail?
20:18I don't know how he's going to go if we braid his full mane,
20:20but let's check one on the tail.
20:22Good boy, Malky.
20:23Looking gorgeous today.
20:25Horses have influenced my friendship with Victoria
20:27because it's given us something that connects us
20:30other than this eastern suburbs life.
20:32We both love fashion, we both live in this beautiful area,
20:36but that's not everything that we're about.
20:38Good boy.
20:40You can tell me all about your feelings.
20:43Malcolm, don't get used to this baby talk, buddy.
20:45And your opinions.
20:47And we can talk about our day.
20:49Lock your ears, Malcolm.
20:54I'm not sure I'm a total horsey girl
20:56because I think that horse girls are a bit weird.
20:59Good boy, Malky.
21:00Good boy.
21:01That is probably true.
21:04Good boy.
21:06He understands what you're saying.
21:08Trot, trot.
21:10Yeah, OK, good.
21:13Oh, my God, you look perfect.
21:15He suits you, Martine.
21:18Half a mil.
21:20Just pop over one of the jumps, give it a try.
21:23Fuck no.
21:27I like to just sit here like a princess.
21:30You do it very well, my dear.
21:32All right.
21:34Well done.
21:36So he was such a pleasure to ride.
21:39He was really a good boy, huh?
21:41How are you feeling after Noosa?
21:43I mean, like, a lot went on.
21:46Chrissie, she did treat you questionably.
21:50I can totally understand why Martine does feel
21:53that Chrissie is coming across as abrasive.
21:56How do you feel?
21:58I observe as a new person she's put me through a hazing.
22:02After I came back from Noosa and reflected on the trip,
22:05I feel that Chrissie is just putting me through
22:08an induction process,
22:10giving a few pokes to a new member of the group,
22:13and I felt that that was very insulting.
22:16I think you speak to Chrissie about it.
22:19I agree completely.
22:20I can't move forward with Chrissie
22:22unless I'm honest with her about my feelings,
22:24so that would be important for me to let her know how I felt.
22:29So tell me, what are your goals this year with Malcolm?
22:32Look, I don't have my evil eye on,
22:34so I can't actually tell you that.
22:36I can't say it out loud.
22:37Okay, okay.
22:38I know.
22:39What is that?
22:40So it's Greek-Turkish culture.
22:43And it protects you from, like, jealousy, bad vibes.
22:48So I'm thinking that in order to be able to say
22:50whatever the hell I want whenever I want,
22:52I'm going to get an evil eye tattoo.
22:55Because then I'm protected all the time.
22:57All the time.
22:58But the issue with it is you can't buy your own.
23:01You can't pay for your own.
23:03So the superstition goes that it has to be gifted to you
23:08by someone with the purest of intentions.
23:13No way.
23:14Not pure?
23:15No way.
23:16He's got dirty thoughts.
23:20So I'm thinking it's got to be competition
23:22between you and Nicole.
23:23It's on.
23:24To see who's the most pure.
23:26To see who has the purest thoughts for me.
23:30Let's go.
23:31Make those thoughts pure, girl.
23:43Hi, babe.
23:44How are you?
23:45Not bad.
23:46Oh, man, I'm just trying to find something
23:48for this fashion pop-up tonight.
23:50I've got black or I've got white, basically.
23:53I feel like maybe black because it could be someone's funeral
23:56and not ours.
23:57Well, hopefully it's not ours.
24:02I wouldn't miss a fashion event ever,
24:04but I can't go back into this friendship circle by myself.
24:08Thank you so much for coming.
24:10Like, I honestly, like, I couldn't go without you.
24:13So, honestly, thanks.
24:14Thanks for being my friend and thanks for being a good friend.
24:17All good.
24:18It's all good.
24:19I can't wait to see their faces.
24:21They didn't think they could get rid of me that easily, did they?
24:27Come on.
24:28They'll be shaking in their stilettos.
24:33Well, let the fireworks begin.
24:35See you tonight, Gorge.
24:37Love you.
24:38Love you.
24:41I'm iconic.
24:44Moving faster than the sound.
24:46Kind of supersonic.
24:48Oh, isn't it gorgeous?
24:50You already know I've got it.
24:53So, we've got an exclusive fashion pop-up.
24:55There's all these dresses on racks.
24:57There's bags, shoes.
24:58The whole thing is decked out.
25:00Always nice to be on the invite list.
25:05Hey, Sally.
25:06Oh, wow.
25:07How are you?
25:08Thank you for coming.
25:09Thank you for having us.
25:11Oh, fantastic.
25:13This is beautiful.
25:15So, we're a luxury styling suite with a dress service
25:17where you get to wear once and then return.
25:20I could save so much money.
25:22You could.
25:23I'd love to buy it.
25:24It's better than buying something and only wearing it once.
25:26Welcome to my life.
25:28That's all I do.
25:30Do you only wear it once?
25:31Once I wear my clothes, I usually give them away.
25:34I just don't like the, you know, business side of it.
25:38We're going to have a little shop.
25:39We'll be back.
25:40This is so clever.
25:41Isn't it?
25:42It's beautiful.
25:44Oh, my gosh.
25:45Here are the girls.
25:46Oh, my God.
25:47Hello, ladies.
25:48You guys look amazing.
25:49Don't kiss me.
25:54Tonight, we're at an event for sustainable fashion.
25:58My husband always says to me that I'm very economical.
26:01I wear everything at least twice,
26:03and that comes to about $10,000 per wear.
26:07So, what is this event?
26:10Couture for hire.
26:11Couture for hire.
26:13I've never hired.
26:14Not that I wouldn't.
26:15I haven't from here, but I have hired.
26:17Have you?
26:19I mean, I do like to hire things.
26:21I sometimes hire help.
26:23Where's Nicole?
26:24Ah, Noelle arrived back from USA.
26:28This morning?
26:295 a.m.
26:30She does love shopping, but she loves her daughter a bit more.
26:33It's close.
26:34So, do you think Kate would be invited tonight?
26:36Because I can't wait to say to her.
26:38I think she was invited.
26:39No one told me that you weren't coming.
26:41Have you spoken?
26:43No, I still haven't heard.
26:44Would she be on the guest list?
26:45I think she might be.
26:46Are you going to say something to Kate if she comes?
26:48Yeah, definitely.
26:49Look, I just think she would have enjoyed it up there.
26:51She would have had a nice time.
26:52Imagine her on the jet ski.
26:55Well, Caroline, are you going to be okay if Kate comes tonight?
27:00Of course.
27:02I think the only way forward at this stage is just to clean that slate
27:07and start from scratch.
27:09Otherwise, we're going to be swimming in this dirty fish pond
27:13for all eternity.
27:15And I don't look good wet.
27:17I think if she does come.
27:18Oh, there she is.
27:24Hello, honey.
27:25How are you?
27:26You look stunning.
27:27The last time I saw these girls, they were quite frankly pretty fucking awful.
27:32Nicole, Martine, and Sally stayed out of it.
27:35The other girls, it was a real pile on.
27:39I said if she does come, I should just go up and give her a hug.
27:42Go on.
27:43Yeah, go on.
27:44Go on.
27:45Give her a hug.
27:47Come here, little shit.
27:48How are you?
27:49Come here.
27:50You might get makeup on my collar.
27:51Shut up.
27:52Come here.
27:53This might get makeup on my collar.
27:54Just give me a hug.
27:55You're going to give me a hug?
27:56I'm hugging this out.
27:57Oh, really?
27:59She is going to smear that face all over my white collar.
28:03She doesn't do well with affection.
28:04She does better with confrontation.
28:06The hug was like, and this is Kate.
28:14She was not having a part of it.
28:16I'll be taking that drink.
28:17Come on.
28:18Every time I've seen Caroline, she has sprayed me.
28:21She's called me disgusting and a liar.
28:23And now she's coming at me with these outstretched arms.
28:26Explain yourself.
28:28Don't just come and hug me.
28:30Here, have your drink back.
28:31No, that's OK.
28:32And you owe me a hug.
28:33Oh, my god.
28:34You're going to be difficult.
28:35OK, well, you drink my drink.
28:37You drink my drink.
28:42No, I don't want your drink now.
28:44You owe me a hug.
28:45OK, OK.
28:47I do not owe her a hug.
28:49At this point in time, we are not friends.
28:53Please do not touch me.
28:55Now she's a high fashion model.
28:57She's got a lot of balls.
28:59A hug is one of the most natural human responses.
29:04It was disappointing, but I expected something
29:09along those lines from her.
29:11It's never easy with Kate.
29:14So why didn't we see you in Noosa?
29:16I just didn't really feel comfortable coming,
29:18to be honest with you.
29:20Like, after the last event, it's not my thing.
29:25You should have let Prissy know.
29:27Yeah, I mean, I did.
29:29She kind of, like, catered and everything.
29:31Yeah, I mean, like, you know, I thought about texting back
29:34quite a few times, but she'd said pretty clearly
29:36that she didn't want any drama at her home.
29:38She wanted us to resolve our issues
29:40before we arrived in Noosa.
29:42You could have just said to me, like, hey,
29:44like, because we had said the night before,
29:46when I text you, did you need anything?
29:48Maybe this is what's happening again.
29:49Kate's probably feeling, like, picked on again,
29:51so now it's already happening.
29:52Kate's excuse, I don't want to bring the drama,
29:55bring a text, send me a text, that's all I needed,
29:59without Martine jumping in.
30:03Yeah, I felt like I had a lot of anxiety, Chrissy.
30:05Like, I really did.
30:06Oh, look, I totally get that.
30:07And after the last event, I just need a break.
30:08I didn't want to go back into a situation
30:10where I was being rude to essentially, you know,
30:13take conflict.
30:14But I had anxiety going up there as well.
30:16But I went.
30:17OK, OK, well, that's great for you.
30:19But we have to allow Kate the Grace to be herself.
30:22Yeah, I know, Martine, but a little text doesn't hurt.
30:24It's just manners.
30:25But maybe that's for you, but maybe for her,
30:27she's trying to give an explanation,
30:28but we can't hammer her until she gives the answer
30:31that suits everybody.
30:32I couldn't have said it better myself, Martine.
30:35She beats to her own drum, and I respect her for that.
30:38Everyone should be free to be themselves.
30:40She has to be allowed to be herself.
30:41She's turned up, she's giving an explanation.
30:44Kate's response for not going to Noosa
30:47was honestly completely reasonable,
30:49and her reasoning was argued with.
30:51It feels unfair.
30:53OK, to be yourself.
30:56Well, I'll always text you, I promise.
30:58Cheers to being ourselves.
30:59I promise I'll text.
31:01I don't think Kate drafted text.
31:02I don't think she had any intention of coming,
31:05and she should have just told me from the get-go.
31:07I think that I can understand a little bit
31:11maybe Kate's feelings, because, you know, Chrissy,
31:15when I first met you, I told you how impressed I was by you.
31:20Now, post-Noosa,
31:22colour me a little bit unimpressed.
31:30Why is that?
31:31I feel that your MO,
31:35Otis Operandi,
31:37is to put newbies, which was myself,
31:40through some kind of hazing process.
31:47Hazing? Like, that's dramatic.
31:50That is really hardcore.
31:53Oh, it's a familiar story.
31:56Passive-aggressive little comments,
31:58and then saying, but it was a joke.
32:01I was joking.
32:03So, hazing being a put-down or...
32:07I don't feel like Chrissy did any of that.
32:09You don't know what I'm about to say, so let me finish.
32:12So, I packed a fabulous wardrobe,
32:15which I planned with my bestie.
32:17I think that you took a dig about calling me
32:20single white female or something,
32:22which is, like, insulting to me.
32:24Yeah, I think... And then, wait, I'm not finished.
32:27And then a private moment between my friend and I
32:30was brought up as dinner party fodder.
32:33Yeah. It wasn't a private moment,
32:35because we're all there, we're all around.
32:37Sure. Let's just say it wasn't private.
32:39I trusted you enough to be there and to be an imperfect person
32:43to then not have to discuss it at the dinner party.
32:46So, what I'm saying is, I take it as disrespect.
32:50Martine has entered the chat.
32:53Now, correct me if I'm wrong,
32:55but last time I watched an American college movie,
32:58they shoved toilet paper up their butt cracks,
33:00set them on fire and made them run round the town.
33:03That was a hazing process.
33:05Not the multi-million dollar Noosa mansion
33:07where Chrissie waited on everyone hand and foot.
33:10So, yeah.
33:12Welcome, Martine.
33:14OK, well, I'm sorry... Chrissie, can I just say something?
33:16Yeah, yeah. I feel like whatever you say,
33:19don't be defensive. Oh, my gosh.
33:21Talk about that stuff. Seriously.
33:23I am absolutely frigging gobsmacked.
33:26After everything that I did all weekend
33:28to say that I'm trying to haze her, what did I do?
33:31Other than have a simple little joke
33:33about how Victoria and Martine are like sisters, really?
33:36Is that the level of sensitivity I'm dealing with here?
33:40I was so, so respectful.
33:42And I'm very complimentary of that.
33:44And look, the whole time, if you want to sit on your phone
33:46and take selfies, well, that's fine as well.
33:47I do love that. I do enjoy that. Yeah, exactly.
33:49And, like, I'm not calling you out and going,
33:51oh, you know what, Martine, you don't connect with us,
33:53you don't talk to us.
33:54I'm not calling you out on that every two seconds.
33:56You shouldn't. Why would you?
33:57I'm just saying, you're calling me out on something that I'm saying.
33:59I don't call you out on being loud and dancing ridiculously.
34:01So, you know.
34:03I mean, I honestly am quite shocked
34:06by what's coming out of Martine's mouth.
34:08You're not hearing what she's saying.
34:10At the dinner, you brought up something inflammatory
34:14about one of your guests.
34:16Now, you are the queen of hosting.
34:18I don't understand what's inflammatory
34:20about having a little sisterly tiff.
34:22She's copying you. What about their fight?
34:24Single white female.
34:25It wasn't at all like that.
34:26We were all having a conversation.
34:28We were all joking around about the Bobsey twins.
34:30I wasn't.
34:31Yes, we were.
34:32I don't ever know who the Bobsey twins are.
34:33I said that.
34:34I feel like this is Chrissie's personality
34:37and it took me a while to get that.
34:39This is my boundary, though.
34:41I agree.
34:42I don't want to make excuses that she felt uncomfortable.
34:45I could never host like that.
34:47Did you think you'd ever feel uncomfortable in my home?
34:49But I did.
34:50But I did.
34:51I never felt uncomfortable.
34:52Get a sense of humour.
34:54Get a sense of self.
34:56Instead of always being offended.
34:58Can we get off this woke, wank train, please?
35:02Because we're going around in circles without a destination.
35:06At the end of the day, the last thing I want you to feel
35:08is uncomfortable in my home.
35:10It's just an outfit.
35:11I'm posing as a, please don't do that to me again.
35:13That's it.
35:14I'm so proud of Martine in this moment.
35:17My level of respect for her just went, boo!
35:22I need a break from this conversation.
35:24I'm going to go and look at some clothes.
35:26Time to shop.
35:27I'll come.
35:28Lights, camera, action.
35:32Give me your best side.
35:36The new kid's hard, right?
35:38I don't love it.
35:39There's sometimes just one that can't play nicely in the sandpit.
35:43Were you holding on to that, though, the whole time since Noosa?
35:46Had that been bubbling away for you?
35:47I actually did have a good time in Noosa.
35:49I realised that I can't be more than the spine if I don't say,
35:51look, this is how I feel, this is a boundary for me.
35:54People that are closer to Chrissie maybe don't give her the feedback
35:58that some of the things that she says could be hurtful
36:01because they say that's just Chrissie.
36:03But for me, I don't know just Chrissie.
36:06In fact, I don't really know Chrissie at all.
36:08Well, that was a lot.
36:09No, Chrissie, I mean, seriously, though, she's a little bit upset, you know?
36:14I swear to God, it's the generational thing.
36:16Millennials are so fucking sensitive.
36:19What are we going to continue to cadoodle to everyone's feelings
36:23or lack of it?
36:24I mean, please, can everyone just toughen up?
36:26And Martine's going, oh, yes, Kate, I understand how you feel
36:29because Chrissie made me feel really, really bad on that weekend.
36:32And I'm like, no, it was a lovely weekend.
36:34Bitches need to fucking toughen up.
36:36It's a woke wank train.
36:39Everyone's riding around on it without a ticket.
36:41I could have turned to Martine and said,
36:43you know what, you want to give me manners, girl?
36:45I'll tell you what was really bad manners
36:47and what I was absolutely offended at.
36:49You're sitting at my dinner table and say I'm bored.
36:52I actually can't.
36:53I'm actually having, like, this is actually really boring.
36:56Like, I can't cope with it.
36:59At my dinner table with my house, my chef, my entertainment
37:03and you're telling me you're bored.
37:04I've got to turn around and say that to her.
37:06Now that's rude.
37:07I actually feel like I'm being hit by all sides.
37:10Like, for what reason?
37:11What, for inviting them away for a nice weekend?
37:13I think Chrissie is like a Labrador, right?
37:16She comes in, she's really excited to see you.
37:18She's so excited she, like, knocks the red wine over onto your dress
37:21and then she, like, licks your face.
37:23She wants to connect and sometimes I think she uses her humour
37:26to try to connect.
37:28This is an insult to Labradors everywhere.
37:31I think she's probably more like a wolfhound, but yeah,
37:33I see your point.
37:34You know what I mean?
37:35Well, because I think that sometimes she does bite.
37:37I think there's elements, like, where she is sometimes a bit bitey.
37:40I think we all bite.
37:41I think we all bite.
37:42So you're saying you don't think that there's an intentional
37:44or a little bit of a hazy?
37:47No, I don't.
37:48They're both basically laying into Chrissie
37:51and I honestly feel like they're out of line and they're wrong.
37:54Martine in particular, because she's really laying into Chrissie
37:58after she just enjoyed incredible hospitality that Chrissie put on for her.
38:03I think the bigger issue is I just offered Kate a moment
38:08to just de-escalate everything, but there's nothing.
38:14There wasn't an apology.
38:15It's become painfully clear that Kate has no desire
38:19to make amends with anybody, I mean, and without conflict.
38:23What else does she have?
38:28Sexy, perhaps?
38:31Well, the one thing about Kate that is undisputed
38:34She'll never say sorry.
38:35is that she's most comfortable in the conflict.
38:38That was her showing exactly who she is.
38:46It's like I know that I'm going to reach out
38:49and I know that I'm going to get the pushback.
38:59I took it as a confirmation of what you already knew.
39:03Already what I knew.
39:09Like, Kate did those logos to you the other night.
39:15Terri walks in and I see this, like, fear just sweep over.
39:22Terri, how are you?
39:23Hello, ladies.
39:25When Terri says hello to me, I'm a little bit nervous.
39:29I've had Martine at me. I've had Kate at me.
39:32I've had Victoria at me.
39:34What's going to transpire tonight?
39:37Lily didn't recognise you.
39:38How are you, my love?
39:40Chrissie Marsh thought that Terri was never going to come back.
39:46Look at you.
39:48Look at you.
39:50Do a little turn around.
39:52Oh, my goodness.
39:53Terri Dredd, did you leave the flip behind?
39:58Very, very, very nice.
40:01Victoria did really well.
40:03You look beautiful.
40:04Hello, Terri.
40:05How are you?
40:06How are you?
40:07How are you, darling?
40:08Very good.
40:09Terri arriving is a little bit awkward,
40:12Terri arriving is a little bit awkward,
40:14but Terri arriving in a see-through dress at almost 50,
40:18that is awkward.
40:20Terri, this is my friend Martine.
40:22This is Terri.
40:23Nice to meet you.
40:24And you're the neighbour, yes?
40:27We live three doors down.
40:28How did you know that?
40:30Because I've been informal.
40:35Where have you been?
40:37I've been busy.
40:38Just, you know, life.
40:41I'm feeling hesitant tonight because it's been a while
40:44since I last saw the group.
40:46How about you?
40:47How's everything?
40:48Well, you know.
40:49How's the family, Johnny?
40:51Good, yeah, really well.
40:55I'm not on the same page as Chrissie and Nicole
40:58for a lot of reasons.
41:00It's mainly from Nicole.
41:01She has made very, very damaging insinuations
41:06about my character.
41:08I have no idea where it's coming from.
41:10That's why it is so hurtful.
41:12So I feel like I've got unfinished business.
41:15What's been happening with you girls?
41:17She was this belle of the ball at Fashion Week.
41:23I didn't know.
41:25Oh, my God, that's amazing.
41:26How could you not know?
41:27It was on every single Vogue.
41:30It was in Bazaar.
41:31I haven't seen Caroline, so I want to pull her aside
41:35and make sure she knows that I'm not involved
41:39in her situation with Kate.
41:42I feel like I'm conducting an interview.
41:45But I feel really bad that I didn't know you were in that show.
41:48I would have come to support you.
41:49I would have loved to have invited you to the show.
41:51I didn't know what the hell was going on.
41:53But nothing's going on between you and I.
41:55No, not between you and I.
41:57In contact.
41:58But the kids.
41:59I needed time out.
42:00Fair enough.
42:01You do what you need to do.
42:02From everyone.
42:04Please don't think it was towards you or anyone else.
42:07I am not sensitive.
42:08Thank God.
42:09We can just clean the slate and all move on,
42:12because we did have fun.
42:14Maybe you should take your own advice.
42:17All I know is that I care for both of you.
42:22I don't want to get involved.
42:23I don't.
42:24I didn't ask you to get involved.
42:26I don't really think Terry should be telling me to make amends.
42:31You make amends with Chrissie and Nicole,
42:33and I'll make amends with Kate.
42:35But I thought.
42:36I'm actually done.
42:38I'm done.
42:39You really weren't.
42:40No, we weren't.
42:41You weren't.
42:42Not really.
42:43So don't you want peace in the village?
42:45Don't you want peace in the village?
42:46Yes, I do.
42:47I do.
42:48I just want to bring the group together,
42:50and we can continue on a path of friendship and support and fun.
42:56Let's have a good time.
42:57Are you going to make up and clarify and clean up?
42:59We do.
43:00With who?
43:01With Chrissie.
43:02I don't have a problem with Chrissie.
43:04I think Chrissie may have a problem with me.
43:06She doesn't.
43:07I hope not, because I've never done anything to upset her.
43:10Chrissie said that you're my friend.
43:12She said, no, you're not my friend.
43:14That's it.
43:15Clearly, Terry, I'm not great friends with you.
43:17We're not best friends.
43:18We're acquaintances.
43:21I don't understand how this has turned into such a, you know,
43:24global warfare.
43:26All right, so obviously you need to have the talk.
43:30Yeah, but not tonight.
43:31Not tonight.
43:33Let's go and look at the fashion.
43:35Let's look at some of the socks.
43:42Did you find anything?
43:44Yeah, that's me.
43:45Me too.
43:46Fight you for them.
43:47I'll fight you for something else.
43:49Hey, can I talk to you about something?
43:50Tell me.
43:51About the cancer thing.
43:55Why are you making that face?
43:57I totally just wasn't expecting you to say that.
44:00I actually like, I mean, I think you could tell I was pretty upset on the night.
44:04At the table.
44:05At the table.
44:06Because what?
44:07Because you've been unwell, because you had cancer.
44:09Like, she's, she'll never come for you.
44:11Oh, that's a bullshit thing.
44:12Fuck off.
44:13Are you kidding?
44:14Well, I'm being serious.
44:16And I actually feel more upset about it now.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:19It felt like pity.
44:21And pity feels weak and yuck.
44:25I'm totally shocked when Sally starts using this word pity.
44:29Like, I do have to say, and I don't want to say, that possibly is Sally being oversensitive?
44:35She is being oversensitive.
44:37You don't actually know anything about what I went through.
44:39You've got like a vague idea of stuff you've maybe heard or read.
44:43But like, I don't want to be that girl.
44:46I don't bring it up.
44:47I don't talk about it.
44:48So why are you treating me differently?
44:50Firstly, it's not coming from a place of pity.
44:53It's actually coming from a place of care and respect.
44:57It's not respect, though.
44:59You know that, right?
45:00And it's like, what you're doing is you're putting me in a box.
45:03I'm going to treat all these other people in the group this way and we'll have this friendship.
45:07But you, sick girl, are over here.
45:10I honestly have never thought of it like that, Sal.
45:13Like, I want you to ring me.
45:14I'll give you some perspective and let you know your stuff's pathetic.
45:17From the bottom of my heart, it's all going to change.
45:19She's nodding.
45:21Probably as good as I can hope for with Victoria.
45:24Okay, come on.
45:25Let's go.
45:26Let's go buy stuff.
45:27It has been a nice night.
45:28It's been nice to meet you.
45:29Lovely to meet you, too.
45:30I look forward to getting to know you more.
45:33But Nicole, I've missed.
45:36I'm sad that she missed out.
45:37I think that she would have loved the clothes.
45:39I've missed having her here.
45:40Where is Nicole?
45:41She's had a beautiful dinner.
45:42Her daughter's had her birthday.
45:45I thought maybe she knew I was arriving tonight.
45:48No, we didn't even know you were coming.
45:50It's coincidental.
45:51I'm not sure Chrissy didn't know I was coming.
45:54And I think that's why Nicole isn't here tonight.
45:57She has a history of not turning up.
46:00She didn't turn up to the reunion last year.
46:03And she probably is afraid to see me.
46:06We'll see.
46:07But, I mean, it's one of those things tonight.
46:09No one knows who's going to be invited.
46:11It's a nice thing about the East.
46:12You always end up tripping over someone at some stage.
46:15It's okay.
46:16And do you know what?
46:17I've got a thick skin.
46:18Well, if you think I would call someone.
46:20I mean, things are based on lies.
46:21Oh, my gosh.
46:22It doesn't really, really hurt me.
46:23I'm not going to talk about lies.
46:25Is Terry just trying to pick another argument?
46:27Like, Nicole didn't come because of her?
46:29Like, seriously?
46:31It's coincidental.
46:32I don't think it's related.
46:35We'll see.
46:36It's a nice thing about the East.
46:37You always end up tripping over someone at some stage.
46:39It's okay.
46:41We'll see.
46:42Terry, come on.
46:43Let's not go there, Chrissie.
46:44Let's not go there.
46:45Chrissie and Nicole are extremely tight.
46:48And they will back each other up no matter what.
46:52Nicole has an issue with me.
46:54And I would like to know what it really is.
46:56Because she's not being honest.
46:59She's not saying it.
47:00And she's not turning up to even explain herself.
47:03Chrissie knows something.
47:05It's pretty obvious.
47:07Let's not go there.
47:08It's okay.
47:09I can swear on the Holy Bible.
47:10Oh, my gosh.
47:12At the end of the day,
47:14Nicole doesn't owe Terry any kind of explanation.
47:16That's just ridiculous.
47:18We didn't know who was going to be invited tonight.
47:20I wonder.
47:23Oh, my gosh.
47:26Like, get over it, sister.
47:28Let's not go there, Chrissie.
47:35Next time on The Real Housewives of Sydney,
47:38everyone has issues.
47:40I think everyone's going through it at the moment.
47:42Maybe we should organize something.
47:44It's like a healing.
47:46My psychic vibe is that there's no resolution.
47:50Who better to call on than Jackie Gillies?
47:52This is doable.
47:53I'm so happy to run the slate clean and move forward.
47:56But I feel like Nicole's trying to avoid me.
47:59So I'm hoping you can coax her to coming along.
48:03I'm actually not interested in a friendship with her anymore.
48:06You cannot cut people off every time you have a fight with them.
48:10That's quite insulting, Chrissie.
48:11Seriously, Nicole, I can't talk about it anymore.
48:14I'm done.
48:15My heart wants to believe that Terry's coming from a good place
48:18with this healing, but my head's telling me she's not.
