• 2 days ago
In the 2nd episode of the return of Bruce Forsyth's Generation Game in 1990 Brucie and Rosemary Ford helped contestants Sue & Dean Mottershead from Macclesfield & Peter & Beverly Green from Gwent, and Jane & Ashley Danes from Kent and Gordon Lubey & Sharon Allen from Liverpool navigate such games as Plate Spinning, Organs of the Body, Dough it Yourself and Comedy Characters before the final two face off in a Lambada dance off. The lambada game itself is great fun, while the Organ game has to be seen to be believed. And there is added interest in one couple - Jane & Ashley Danes - in the fact that Jane was actually on the show with her father in 1972. There are however a couple of irritants, such as the Dough it Yourself game giving so little chance for any of the contestants to get it right, while star guest Gary Davies bottles a decision leading to a tense play off to see who will go through to the conveyor belt game.

This episode was originally broadcast on September 14th 1990, but I got this from a recording when it was recently repeated over Christmas. Unfortunately they didn't broadcast many and my video machine decided to play silly beggars by freezing recordings in places. I've done the best I can with it, but you will notice moments where it does it. However, it is not available elsewhere online so I suppose we are fortunate to have this.


