00:00We revoked her visa. It's an F1 visa, I believe.
00:03We revoked it, and here's why.
00:05And I'll say it again, I've said it everywhere, let me be abundantly clear.
00:08If you go apply for a visa right now, anywhere in the world,
00:11let me just send this message out.
00:13If you apply for a visa to enter the United States and be a student,
00:16and you tell us that the reason why you're coming to the United States
00:19is not just because you want to write op-eds,
00:21but because you want to participate in movements that are involved in doing things
00:24like vandalizing universities, harassing students, taking over buildings,
00:28creating a ruckus, we're not going to give you a visa.
00:31If you lie to us and get a visa, and then enter the United States,
00:35and with that visa participate in that sort of activity,
00:37we're going to take away your visa.
00:39And once you've lost your visa, you're no longer legally in the United States,
00:43and we have a right, like every country in the world has a right,
00:45to remove you from our country.
00:47So it's just that simple.
00:48I think it's crazy, I think it's stupid,
00:50for any country in the world to welcome people into their country
00:53that are going to go to your universities as visitors.
00:56They're visitors.
00:57And say, I'm going to your universities to start a riot.
01:01I'm going to your universities to take over a library and harass people.
01:05I don't care what movement you're involved in.
01:07Why would any country in the world allow people to come and disrupt?
01:10We gave you a visa to come and study and get a degree,
01:13not to become a social activist that tears up our university campuses.
01:17And if we've given you a visa and then you decide to do that,
01:19we're going to take it away.
01:20I encourage every country to do that, by the way,
01:23because I think it's crazy to invite students into your country
01:25that are coming onto your campus and destabilizing it.
01:28We're just not going to have it.
01:29So we'll revoke your visa, and once your visa's revoked,
01:32you're illegally in the country and you have to leave.
01:34Every country in the world has a right to decide who comes in as a visitor
01:37and who doesn't.
01:38If you invite me into your home,
01:40because you say, I want to come to your house for dinner,
01:42and I go to your house and I start putting mud on your couch
01:45and spray-painting your kitchen, I bet you you're going to kick me out.
01:48Well, we're going to do the same thing if you come into the United States as a visitor
01:51and create a ruckus for us.
01:53We don't want it.
01:54If you want to do it in our country, go back and do it in your country.
01:56But you're not going to do it in our country.