• 2 days ago
Nellore District People Problems With Fluoride Water : నెల్లూరు జిల్లా ఉదయగిరి నియోజకవర్గంలోని పలు గ్రామాల ప్రజలు దాహార్తితో అల్లాడుతున్నారు. నేటికీ ఫ్లోరిన్‌ కలిసిన నీరే తాగుతూ అనారోగ్యం బారిన పడుతున్నారు. కోట్ల రూపాయలు వెచ్చించి నిర్మించిన రాజీవ్‌ సబ్‌ మిషన్‌ ప్రాజెక్టు రిజర్వాయర్లు దిష్టి బొమ్మలుగా మారాయి.


01:30Since last 10 years many people are suffering from kidney problems.
01:35Earlier it used to work for 10 years.
01:37Since last 10 years we are continuing to buy and drink water.
01:40Now the government is taking care of water.
01:45It is our small wish.
01:47In the past, Kandipalam reservoir supplied water to our villages.
01:53Due to this, people are healthy.
01:58Since last 10 years, water is not coming from the reservoir.
02:02People are suffering from kidney problems.
02:12The past government did not take care of this issue.
02:14Now the government has taken care of this issue.
02:16If Kandipalam reservoir is used again,
02:19we will be able to get water from the reservoir.
02:26In 66 villages, pump house motors, micro filters and sander filters were damaged.
02:32Due to some mishaps, Kandipalam reservoir has been damaged.
02:36People are buying water from far off places.
02:39People are asking for the reservoir to be restored.
