- Università Sannio - Electronics Engineering for Automation and Sensing
Corso di laurea magistrale del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi del Sannio. (26.03.25)
Corso di laurea magistrale del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi del Sannio. (26.03.25)
00:00Benvenuti a tutti.
00:02È un grande piacere presentarvi,
00:05tra le prossime slide,
00:07un nuovo programma di degre
00:08che è stato attivato nella nostra università.
00:11È stato caratterizzato
00:12per fornire alla prossima generazione
00:14di ingegneri
00:15le abilità avanzate
00:16e il conoscimento in dettaglio
00:17necessario per diventare leader
00:18nel campo rapidamente cambiante
00:19dell'ingegneria elettronica.
00:24Il maestro di degre in ingegneria elettronica
00:26per l'automazione e la sensazione
00:27è un programma innovativo
00:29disegnato per fornire agli ingegneri
00:31le abilità avanzate
00:32e il conoscimento necessario
00:33per crescere
00:34nel mondo rapidamente cambiante
00:35dell'ingegneria elettronica.
00:39Il mondo sta cambiando
00:40ad un ritmo non precedente,
00:42guidato dagli avanzamenti tecnologici.
00:45Questa slide
00:46mostra ciò che crediamo
00:47siano le essenziali 10 tecnologie futuri,
00:49i domani
00:50che formano il nostro futuro.
00:52Dal realmo quantico
00:53alla realtà aumentata,
00:54dall'intelligenza artificiale
00:56alla robotica
00:57e alle zone di spazio
00:58come la fotonica,
01:00la 6G,
01:01i droni
01:02e la bioteca,
01:03questi sono i campi
01:04che definiranno
01:05la prossima generazione di innovazione.
01:07Il nostro programma
01:08è direttamente alineato
01:09con queste tecnologie emergenti,
01:12di essere al fronte
01:13del progresso.
01:15Per navigare
01:16questo mondo interconnectato
01:17e tecnologico
01:19una lingua comune
01:20è essenziale.
01:21Questa lingua
01:22è l'inglese.
01:23Il nostro programma
01:24riconosce questa realtà
01:26e per questo
01:27tutti i corsi
01:28e le attività
01:29saranno condotti in inglese.
01:30Masterare l'inglese
01:32le vostre prospettive di carriera
01:34aprindo porte
01:35a opportunità internazionali.
01:37Ciò anche
01:39il vostro accesso
01:42di iniziare
01:43le nuove
01:45e tecnologie
01:47Siamo commessi
01:48a fornirvi
01:51davvero internazionale.
01:52Il corso Master
01:53è stato disegnato
01:54come un corso
01:56intorno a due pillari chiave
01:58e le tecnologie di sensazione.
01:59Nel primo anno
02:02una forte fondazione
02:03in entrambi gli area.
02:04Prendrete corsi
02:05come le misure
02:06per l'automazione,
02:07i circuiti elettronici
02:09e l'apprendimento
02:11nel primo semestre
02:12e poi avanzate
02:13su topiche
02:14come le thermodinamiche applicate
02:15e le meccaniche
02:16e le elettroniche
02:17di sistemi integrati
02:19nel secondo semestre.
02:21i subietti fondamentali
02:22come il controllo moderno
02:23e la modellazione
02:24sono applicati
02:25in entrambi
02:26le specializzazioni.
02:27Il secondo anno
02:29la specializzazione.
02:30Potete scegliere
02:31di allargare
02:32la vostra esperienza
02:34o nelle tecnologie di sensazione.
02:35Per esempio,
02:38controlli avanzati
02:39e applicazioni
02:40e sistemi di misura
02:42Nelle tecnologie di sensazione
02:44i sensori
02:45optici e fotonici,
02:46le nano-optiche
02:47e i sensori
02:48per l'osservazione della Terra.
02:49Entrambi i corsi
02:51corsi di scelta liberi
02:52per adattare
02:53e culminare
02:54le vostre interviste
02:55e la vostra tesi.
02:58Facciamo scoprire
02:59la fondazione
03:00di questo programma.
03:01Perchè sono questi
03:02corsi fondamentali
03:04Perchè crediamo
03:05in una comprensione
03:07e profonda
03:08dei principi
03:10Potrete imparare
03:11a disegnare,
03:14e simulare
03:15sistemi di ingegneria
03:16moderni e elettronici
03:17da terra.
03:18Cosa otterrete?
03:19Potrete imparare
03:20come migliorare
03:22la sicurezza
03:23e la prestazione
03:24di questi sistemi.
03:25Scelte critiche
03:26per ogni ingegnere
03:27di elettronica.
03:28Come otteniamo questo?
03:30Attraverso corsi fondamentali
03:32l'apprendimento statistico,
03:33il controllo moderno,
03:34la modellazione di multifisica
03:35e le thermodinamiche
03:37e le meccaniche.
03:39Questi corsi
03:40con il loro
03:41significante peso di credito
03:44gli essenziali strumenti
03:45e base di conoscenza
03:46per i vostri studi futuri.
03:49I sistemi elettronici digitali
03:51sono la piazza
03:52della tecnologia moderna.
03:54Sono i blocchi fondamentali
03:55per il controllo
03:56di quasi tutte le tecnologie
03:57di automazione
03:58e sensazione.
04:00In questo programma,
04:01potrete imparare
04:02questi sistemi.
04:03Potrete imparare
04:04le metodie e le tecniche
04:05per implementare
04:06circuiti elettronici digitali
04:07e sistemi
04:08con un foco speciale
04:09sui sistemi intelligenti
04:11e riconfigurabili.
04:14In oggi's smart manufacturing
04:16and industrial IOT landscape,
04:19and reliable measurements
04:20are crucial.
04:21This program focuses
04:22on mastering
04:24for industry.
04:25You'll understand
04:26why smart manufacturing
04:27and IOT
04:28rely on automatic
04:29and distributed
04:30measurement systems
04:31for quality control
04:32and the efficient management
04:33of complex
04:34industrial processes.
04:37You will learn
04:38the fundamental principles
04:39of sensors
04:40and data acquisition systems
04:41used in industrial applications.
04:44You'll gain skills
04:45in designing
04:46and implementing
04:47multi-sensor based systems
04:48for remote monitoring
04:49of industrial processes.
04:51The course's measurements
04:52for automation
04:53and industrial production
04:54and distributed
04:55measurement systems
04:56will provide you
04:57with the skills
04:58needed to design
04:59such systems.
05:03is no longer
05:04a futuristic concept,
05:05it's a key feature
05:06increasingly required
05:07in various systems,
05:08from robotics
05:09to self-driving vehicles.
05:11We address
05:12this critical area
05:13through mastering
05:14autonomous control.
05:16Our program
05:17will focus on
05:18electronic power converters
05:19and electric drivers
05:20as key components
05:21in autonomous systems.
05:23You will learn
05:24about the dynamic
05:25and control aspects
05:26of switched electronic systems,
05:27advanced control techniques
05:29and the principles
05:30of learning
05:31for dynamics and control.
05:33Courses like
05:34Dynamic and Control
05:35of Switched Electronic Systems,
05:36Advanced Control
05:37and Applications
05:38and Learning
05:39for Dynamics
05:40and Control
05:41are designed
05:42to equip you
05:43with this expertise.
05:48The field of optics
05:49and photonics
05:50is a key
05:51enabling technology
05:52impacting numerous sectors.
05:54From optical data
05:56to sensing,
05:59and displays
06:00and extending
06:01to manufacturing,
06:02life sciences,
06:04and security,
06:05photonics is everywhere.
06:07This program
06:08will guide you
06:09in mastering optics
06:10and photonics.
06:11You will learn
06:12the fundamental principles
06:13of photonics,
06:14light-matter interactions
06:15and how to formulate
06:16and analyze problems
06:17related to
06:18photonic structures
06:19and processes.
06:22you'll understand
06:23the processes
06:24for manipulating light
06:25at the nanoscale
06:26with a special emphasis
06:27on sensing applications.
06:29The courses
06:31and Photonics,
06:33and the Optical
06:34and Photonic Sensors Lab
06:35provide a comprehensive
06:36learning experience.
06:41Understanding our planet
06:42is more critical
06:43than ever.
06:45Governments and scientists
06:46rely on accurate data
06:47to track
06:48environmental changes
06:49and understand
06:50global trends.
06:52Remote sensing
06:53provides this vital information
06:54through satellites.
06:56Our program
06:57offers you the opportunity
06:58to master remote sensing.
07:00You will learn
07:01the fundamental principles
07:02of remote sensing,
07:03the main sensors
07:04used for Earth observation
07:06and the key parameters
07:07of satellite missions.
07:09You'll develop skills
07:10in formulating
07:11and analyzing problems
07:12related to
07:13the advanced processing
07:14of satellite data.
07:16The courses
07:17Sensors for Earth Observation
07:18and Earth Monitoring
07:19and Mission Analysis Lab
07:20will give you
07:21the specific knowledge
07:22and practical experience
07:23in this crucial field.
07:30Beyond coursework,
07:31practical experience
07:32is essential.
07:34Our program
07:35includes a mandatory
07:36internship of 9 CFU,
07:37equivalent to
07:3825 hours of work
07:39per CFU,
07:40providing you
07:41with valuable
07:42hands-on experience.
07:44This internship
07:45will involve analysis,
07:46experimental work
07:47or research activities
07:48and can be undertaken
07:49at the University of Sanio
07:51or in collaboration
07:52with international companies,
07:54particularly in emerging
07:55technological areas.
07:57We also encourage you
07:58to complete a thesis,
08:0012 CFU,
08:01which will be defended
08:02as your final exam.
08:04The thesis allows you
08:05to delve deeper
08:06into an advanced
08:07professional or research
08:08topic of your choice,
08:09written in either
08:10Italian or English,
08:11under the guidance
08:12of a professor.
08:13We provide flexibility
08:14in supervisor selection,
08:16even allowing you
08:17to choose professors
08:18you haven't taken
08:19courses with before.
08:21This combination
08:22of internship and thesis
08:23ensures you graduate
08:24with both theoretical
08:26and practical,
08:27research-oriented skills.
08:32Let's talk about
08:33your future.
08:34We are proud to present
08:35outstanding placement
08:37for our graduates
08:38in electronics engineering.
08:40As you can see,
08:41we have a 100%
08:42employment rate
08:43at one,
08:45and five years
08:46after graduation,
08:47based on ISTAT data
08:48and Almaloria surveys.
08:50This speaks volumes
08:51about the relevance
08:52and quality
08:53of our programme.
08:55the net monthly
08:56salary average,
08:57five years
08:58after graduation,
08:59is a very competitive
09:03This programme
09:04is not just
09:05an academic pursuit,
09:06it's a pathway
09:07to a successful
09:08and rewarding career.
09:12Where can your degree
09:13from this programme
09:14take you?
09:16The opportunities
09:17are vast.
09:18You could work
09:19in semiconductor
09:20and integrated circuit
09:22consumer electronics,
09:24electromechanical industries
09:25including aviation
09:26and aerospace,
09:28and optoelectronic
09:29equipment companies,
09:30and plant engineering,
09:32and robotics firms.
09:35The roles you could fill
09:36are equally diverse,
09:37spanning design,
09:42and maintenance
09:43of products
09:44and services.
09:45But it's not limited
09:46to industry.
09:47You can also pursue
09:48a career
09:49as a researcher
09:50in universities,
09:51public and private
09:52research centres,
09:53or become a freelancer,
09:55or even a start-upper
09:56in the vibrant
09:57tech ecosystem.
10:02We believe
10:03in bridging
10:05and industry.
10:07This slide
10:09our connections
10:10with the industrial world.
10:12We have established
10:13strong partnerships
10:14with leading companies
10:15across various sectors,
10:16including giants
10:18Thales Alnia Space,
10:22and ST Microelectronics,
10:23as well as
10:24innovative Italian firms
10:25and promising
10:26academic spin-offs.
10:28These collaborations
10:29provide valuable
10:31for internships,
10:32research projects,
10:33and future employment
10:34for our students.
10:36Our strong industrial
10:37network ensures
10:38that our programme
10:39remains relevant
10:40and aligned
10:41with the needs
10:42of the job market.
10:47In conclusion,
10:49the Laurea Magistrala
10:50in Electronics Engineering
10:51for Automation
10:52and Sensing
10:53at Unisani Oding
10:54offers a unique
10:55and forward-looking
10:56educational experience.
10:58We provide you
10:59with a strong foundation,
11:00specialised knowledge
11:01in high-demand areas,
11:02practical skills,
11:03and excellent
11:04career prospects.
11:06We invite you
11:07to join us
11:08in building together
11:09our future
11:10in the exciting world
11:11of electronics engineering.
11:14For more information,
11:15please feel free
11:16to contact us
11:17at adotcusono
11:20Thank you for your time.