Every year, humans kill millions of sharks for their fins, cartilage, and meat – and the U.S. is a major contributor. Here’s why...
00:28like to place blame overseas, but it's definitely a huge problem in the United States as well.
00:33Is shark cartilage the answer to cancer? I know it in my heart that it definitely is
00:38helping me. From the ocean depths comes GNC's natural brand shark cartilage available in
00:43tablets powder and liquid. In addition to the fact that there is not a lot of concrete
01:03evidence that even shows that shark cartilage pills can be beneficial to your health. Shark
01:08has a lot of mercury in it just because they are at the top of the food chain. So it is
01:12really good to avoid these types of products even for your own health.
01:42Sharks reproduce very slowly. Some sharks gestate for over a year, up to two years.
01:57So they can't keep up with that type of removal. And some populations have already declined
02:01by over 90%.
02:12Sharks are very important for the ecosystem. They act kind of like the immune system. So
02:16they really only go after and hunt sick, injured or diseased fish. And because of that, they're
02:21really selecting the individuals that shouldn't be reproducing in the population.
02:35The predatory role in an ecosystem is really fascinating. And there's just something that's
02:40really amazing about swimming and sharing the water with an animal that is so capable
02:45of so much strength and so much power. And they play such an important part in the ecosystem.
02:51And they have such a bad reputation. Seeing people swim with them and interact with them
02:56regularly helps to, you know, debunk that fear, help people get more comfortable with
03:00just seeing them and maybe even getting a chance to experience the sharks themselves
03:03with a professional guide. It's something that I'm very, very passionate about.