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00:00The priorities at the FBI, which I identified
00:03during my confirmation hearing and since,
00:05is attacking violent crime along with national security.
00:08And every single state in this country is a border state.
00:10Arkansas is no exception.
00:12Allow me to highlight the work of the men and women
00:15in the FBI and state and local law enforcement
00:17in the state of Arkansas.
00:18Since February 5th alone,
00:21we've had 220 illegal immigrants arrested
00:25on charges varying from violent offenses,
00:27weapons offenses, narcotics offenses,
00:29and serious violent felonies.
00:32253 separate individuals have been charged
00:35related to those offenses.
00:37And here's something I want the American people to hear
00:40about narcotics, encountering narcotics.
00:43Thousands of pounds of narcotics were seized
00:46in these three weeks in the state of Arkansas.
00:48Thousands worth tens of millions of dollars.
00:51Everything from fentanyl, to meth, to cocaine,
00:54to heroin, to marijuana, and more.
00:58And also including manufactured drugs.
01:00The FBI does have the biggest footprint in Arkansas,
01:03but we could not achieve this mission without
01:05our state and local law enforcement partners,
01:07which has been one of the priorities
01:08since I took the helm at the FBI.
01:11They provide the greatest ground level intelligence
01:13to conduct these operations in Arkansas
01:16and every single state across the union.
01:18Since February 5th, we've assisted with the arrest
01:20of hundreds of criminals and illegals
01:24throughout your state.
01:25And that was just a three week operation.
01:27Prior to that, Senator, there was a bust of 17
01:30federal indictments relating to a meth lab
01:32in the state of Arkansas in the southwest corner
01:35of your state.
01:36All of those individuals are now facing prosecution
01:38for hundreds of pounds of illegal opioids,
01:41guns, and other illicit material.
01:43So we will continue to do that work.
01:45We will work it six, seven days a week,
01:47365 days a year, not just in your state,
01:49Mr. Chairman, but in every state.
01:51Thank you, Director Patel.
