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00:00Good morning, welcome to day two of Tip2Tip, the journey to Hokkaido without a map.
00:05We have a problem today.
00:06I got breakfast.
00:07Okay, here's the problem.
00:08I keep thinking of this conversation we had yesterday at the bar, because the guy kept
00:14saying Kyushu is the best, but he was a Miyazaki farmer.
00:19And then I realized, I think Miyazaki is technically still in Kyushu, which means that in two days
00:27of driving, we haven't left our initial prefecture.
00:30And I don't think the problem is that we're not trying, because we're spending six hours
00:34a day driving, which should be enough.
00:36I think the problem is we're getting lost too much.
00:39You're kind of filming it like you didn't put it in the poster.
00:44Who could have done this?
00:46My beautiful croissant.
00:49Okay, from here, can we tell where to go?
00:52So you see that tree shadow?
00:56It is this way, because the sun is there.
00:58The sun's there.
00:59And if the sun is there, because we're in the northern hemisphere, the sun is going
01:04to be south of us.
01:05So that is north.
01:06So I think you're right, that those mountains way deep is Honshu.
01:11Okay, we're going there.
01:14Day two.
01:15How are you feeling?
01:16Day two, baby.
01:17I feel...
01:18Wait, this is day three.
01:19I feel like day one is day zero by mine.
01:21Day one is day zero.
01:22Okay, yeah.
01:23Day two, baby.
01:24We're leaving Miyazaki, but we're not leaving the city just yet, because we have to level
01:31We have to level up really hard.
01:32We need a book.
01:33We have two purchases we're trying to make before we leave the city.
01:36Purchase number one?
01:39Purchase number two, which will be massive, compass.
01:44If we get good enough with a compass, we won't need the book.
01:47You know what I've been thinking about?
01:50Jesus H. Christ.
01:51Ah, yeah.
01:52Lord and Savior, yeah.
01:53When he was born, there was three motherfuckers who just showed up to where he was born with
01:59no intel other than the stars.
02:01They just hit the North Star really fucking hard, and they knew it.
02:05Everyone knew about the North Star.
02:06The North Star was huge.
02:07So we should be able to cross all this, because we're smarter humans.
02:13Also, the fucking Polynesians used to navigate with just the stars, too, in water.
02:20No structures, no mountains.
02:22They used to just look at the fucking sky.
02:24In what do you mean?
02:25They swam?
02:26In a canoe.
02:27In a canoe.
02:28Oh, yeah.
02:29Now, Miyazaki City is definitely big enough to have a bookstore and a compass.
02:38I don't know where you get a fucking compass.
02:40Like an outdoor store would be great.
02:42They definitely have fucking compasses.
02:43Oh, like a Bass Pro Fishing Shop Pyramid in Miyazaki?
02:48The Bass Pro Obelisk in Miyazaki.
02:50What about this?
02:52Let's go.
02:53Let's do it.
02:54Rip it, right?
02:55Go for it.
02:56Oh my god, I'm an asshole.
02:57I'm running so hard in front of this guy.
02:58Look at us.
02:59Look at me.
03:00Look at me.
03:01America did this.
03:02Look at me.
03:03Look at me.
03:04Look at me, guys.
03:06It looks like an outdoor shop.
03:07Wait, this is exactly what we wanted.
03:08Oh my fucking god.
03:15All right.
03:16Let's get some compasses.
03:18We found Kameya.
03:19Based off this, it looks like a Bass Pro Fishing Shop, but kawaii desu, because it's pink.
03:32We thought this was going to be the easiest day of our lives.
03:35Could have been.
03:36Second question.
03:37Do you have Japanese to English books?
03:38You have...
03:39All right.
03:41Back to it.
03:42What's new?
03:44Michael is going back in the store, so we didn't find a compass, but we have no leads
03:47on where to go.
03:48We look around for a moment.
03:51There's a lot of options, so he's going to ask, where could you find a compass?
03:54Excuse me.
03:55Where can I buy a compass?
03:56Go straight and turn right.
03:58Go straight and turn right.
03:59How about Spoto Zeri?
04:00Spoto Zeri.
04:01On my face when I'm reacting to Michael getting information?
04:04That was the biggest dub of the day.
04:05Biggest dub of the day?
04:06Spoto Zeri.
04:07Spoto Zeri.
04:08That's the name of the place.
04:09In the store.
04:10Oh, dude.
04:11I learned the name of a road and I forgot it.
04:13So we go that way and then hit a migi.
04:16At the light?
04:18And then Spoto Zeri.
04:19At the shingo.
04:21Spoto Zeri.
04:22Only if it's a green shingo, then yeah.
04:23We have a plan.
04:24Let's go.
04:25Oh my God.
04:26Look at the bear.
04:27Oh, Kuruma.
04:28And he's an athlete.
04:29He looks like an athlete.
04:30Dude, what size shirt is this?
04:33Oh my God.
04:34Oh my God.
04:35Oh my God.
04:36Oh my God.
04:37Oh my God.
04:38Oh my God.
04:39Oh my God.
04:40Oh my God.
04:41Oh my God.
04:42That's a real bear.
04:43Yeah, bear size.
04:44Oh, I might buy a dogger's hat actually.
04:45This is like a cute dress.
04:46They got you ass.
04:47This is for you.
04:48I feel like it'd be a conversation starter, too.
04:49I'd put it right here.
04:50That's not bad.
04:51People would be like, oh, you like the doggers?
04:53I like the doggers.
04:56He's stealing.
04:57He's stealing.
04:58He's stealing.
04:59Excuse me.
05:00Oh God.
05:01How do you say thief in Japanese?
05:02That's a little cute.
05:04Let's get each other one.
05:06To put on the bike as our bike charms.
05:07Yeah, you're right.
05:08I'm drawn to this one for you.
05:09I'm drawn to this one for you.
05:16That's nice, yeah, right. Oh, thank you. So you're saying
05:20Compass you gotta Moscow. Hi, Akita, Minami
05:26No, sir, for hi, ah, I didn't know that I was
05:34Honestly, we might want to get this is it does it put the gas? Yeah, I have the burner but I can bring the plane
05:40These things thingies you could these things you can make a cook my dog
05:44I could I should I call okay, but you could do it. I could make us yummy food
05:48Genuinely, I think I will get some cutlery. Oh, no
05:52It does to attach to it can attach to a watch. Oh
05:58That's actually perfect. I think I think maybe that do you wanna get one too? Yeah, I think maybe just as a backup. Yeah
06:04Okay. Yeah, let's go. Okay. We're going back in real quick to ask for a bookstore is
06:08And no, I'm not hiding my hair. I just like the hat this way home. No me say, what'll go this car?
06:20I think she said go south 20 clicks
06:23All right off to bookstore. Okay, this might be the luckiest day of the trip. Yeah instantly found it book off
06:31Yoshi, my son. Yeah partner. They got porn here
06:35Yes, okay, if it's gonna be a English Japanese training book there's gonna be English on the binding wild child
06:46Okay, that's not I
06:51Found some books. Yeah
06:55It's porn for sure what for sure it's porn. No. Oh, you really real look. It's robust. No, I don't apologize for that
07:02Back there freaked out. It's right. It's gonna be just right here on the right
07:07It's fun. Yeah. Oh
07:10Wait, this is learning. I think that I think it's like all learning stuff. I think is there section? Yeah, you don't know Japanese cooking. Okay
07:18Do we ask they brought that point? Yeah, probably
07:21It's a toffee. See what's in
07:23Nihongo got interest in us
07:26Home, you must go
07:28Off Nihongo got Ben Koshima's
07:31Home, you must go
07:34Right clutched. He just kept swimming home. It worked
07:43Yeah, she said you guys are stupid they're right here Oh
07:46I'm pretty sure that was um, is that English?
07:50No, this is my right. This is algebra. You didn't differential calc
07:54You do oh, yeah, yeah, yeah English Japanese dictionary. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, that's it. That's he's this is all we really need
08:00Yeah, wait, sorry. There's a good we have a few options
08:04There's super anchor or there's the wisdom third edition shit. Sorry Michael. There's a third
08:16This one I think cuz it's smaller too. Yeah, the smaller is the better
08:21Also, it's genius. I want to be it also looks old
08:23Yeah, like I'll get some ancient knowledge, which gives it a rusted look. Oh
08:27One piece, you know, I'm gonna get it thought I am on book
08:31The kids book so it maybe has easier Japanese Oh Mario
08:37Maybe I just get the Mario Mario. I'm sorry. You might have to switch your choice. What?
08:44Is this a loud dude you got to read the Minecraft mom I do have to read the Minecraft manga
08:49That's probably for kids, too. Yeah
08:54All right, why don't you start on the baseball animated you love Dodgers
08:59Dodgers, I think that's really good for you. Hucky. Hucky. Huck
09:04Koji could
09:13Somewhat successful starts of the day. We got the compass. We got our English Japanese dictionary
09:18Problem it is 1 p.m
09:19we have not driven a single minute towards our final goal of Hokkaido and
09:25If it's correct that we are 20 hours away from Osaka and I was trying to be in Osaka day 3
09:30We have some ground to make up luckily
09:32I'm feeling good and I think our plan is to drive until we're tired and then camp wherever we are
09:37We don't need to get to a city today the matter now. Enjoy road time-lapse
09:49Okay, we we have a major update dude, why does my head always look so fucking weird it looks geometric
09:54We have a major update, but we're actually at a really good restaurant in Oita. So we're gonna give you up the inside. Yeah
09:58I'm gonna
10:00suck a chicky
10:02Food popsicle. Oh
10:04Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm freaking cold as hell and I want to die a little
10:10We we learned some horrible news that we need a shocker chicky to heal from I well, okay
10:16Here's the deal. Let's let's come to the conclusion that we never left the main island
10:21Basically, our running theory is that we have never left
10:25Kyushu, okay for a while. We thought that Kyushu
10:30Included Miyazaki and Miyazaki was a separate island and we drew this island turn out as a fucking lie
10:38This is my theory is that
10:41we started here in Cape Sata and then we were driving and
10:46Then we stayed in like Okonomiya. So this is this is this is our night zero stay
10:51This is our night one stay and then today we drove north on the 10 which actually brought us to Kyushu again
11:00And we when we had all this ocean to the right of us. So right now we're in like Oita, which is like here ish and
11:08I think if we keep going
11:09We're gonna go to
11:11Fukuoka, we're not going through Miyazaki anymore. I think that's I think it's a long path. Yes
11:16Boy, I say that we did go through me as I'm well, sorry like the actual Miyazaki Islands
11:29So why did I motherfuckers say like your options for Miyazaki and Fukuoka cuz he's right you can go through Miyazaki
11:35Like a Miyazaki I have seen it on the map it exists. It is truly a large island that connects
11:42From Kyushu to Chugoku. You know, having said that I saw a sign that said Kyushu ferry here
11:48Mm-hmm, like the ferry to Kyushu
11:49I didn't get enough time to read it, but maybe it's a ferry to get back over to Miyazaki just in a northern part
11:56Are we even ever on fucking Miyazaki? I don't know but a ferry could be a shortcut. We're so
12:03Much less far than I thought
12:06Yeah, we've made no progress. Well, it's a lie. We made some progress. I'm trying to get a Kagoshima, bro. I
12:13Can't go back there. No, it's not I can't I've done shit there, bro. I cornered people. I shouldn't
12:18Okay. Well, I think we inspect ferry
12:21See if it's an option
12:22Cuz we don't know if the ferry will allow us to bring a bike
12:26Or if it's going to place we need to go so many variables
12:29Yeah, also, it's called the Kyushu ferry which I it's full corporate in Kyushu
12:34Yeah, really? Yeah, I'm huge as big as fuck. Kyushu is large. I said that very confidently
12:39We've been saying a lot of things very confidently
12:42We have no choice but to we can't pull out our phones. Yeah. Yeah, that's true
12:46we're actually in the old age of when you could ask a like a question and
12:50Instead of having a conversation like instead of googling it you have a conversation about that
12:54You must talk about it. Yeah exchange thoughts and ideas and come to possibly wrong. Hey, I see why we stopped doing that
12:59Yeah, I get it. I get it
13:02Yeah place to eat
13:04Other than McDonald's would be cool too. I can call Dogen. You have his number on your little flip phone. Yeah
13:10I have his number and Connors number. Ah, that's good. And one other guy. All right, good bet
13:15We're gonna see you guys at the sign
13:23Okay, we've hit the most insane stroke of luck, yeah, this is the best stroke I've ever gotten like it feels it feels scripted
13:29But it does feel fair. He leaves at 8 p.m. At 7 p.m. Right now and it brings us to Chugoku where you've been dying to go
13:36That's a keep on you. She was
13:40Hi motto
13:46Let's post up because we got a fucking talk we're taking a boat that's goes to Chugoku, which I'm almost
13:53Positive is the prefecture with Hiroshima in it. I don't know another city in it
13:58We should presumably be on the left most part of Chugoku
14:02Like as far left you can get because all we're doing is crossing an hour of the bay. I'm tired
14:08But I'm ready what time is it 7 so we guys we drove like 1 o'clock to 7 o'clock with maybe like 30 minutes of breaks
14:1440 minutes breaks
14:16So at least like 5 hours of driving
14:192 hours of shopping
14:21Look at that big imposing guy
14:24Wait, how's this guy drop down? How's it drop? It goes up dude. Oh
14:30Oh don't believe it's Gucci
14:32Oh my fucking god
14:36Dude shit is crazy. That is fucking ridiculous. I've never seen so goddamn big. I've never seen this before my life
14:44Oh, oh, it's a double opener. Yeah
14:48Gucci opens up
14:59'm gonna grab my stuff. You guys can see a time-lapse of all the cars leaving
15:03I can say this cuz Michaels not here. Fuck you. He's mine. He's mine. All right, we're good to go
15:11It's fucking crazy, this is fucking crazy
15:25This is crazy, this is crazy. Oh, it's so warm
15:37They got it to talk here and let's fucking chill the to Tommy room let's claim our our kingdom here
15:46There's a ramen vending machine
15:50Oh, yeah, yeah
15:55I'm gonna go curry
15:59Wow, oh you just hold it and then you'd feel hot water
16:06To the line yet to the line. Yeah. Why am I fucking asking? I've made cup ramen a hundred times. We are exploring
16:13the ferry it is
16:15Pretty fucking massive
16:17And it's also getting wrong map map map. I can show you guys but I can't look at this. I'm not looking I'm not looking
16:22I'm not looking a lot of baseball on TV today
16:26Viewing seats viewing viewing fucking what? Oh right here
16:32Okay, interesting we're exploring
16:35Dude, this is so scary. I think I saw people outside
16:40Let's go say hi
16:42Wait, hold up
16:44It is scary outside
16:47Dude, the waves scare me the waves fucking scare me. Look you can see a city way in the distance
16:59How you doing, I'm good
17:07We're we're fucking smoothing dude, I'm too scared to go
17:20It's really freaky up there we're gonna up our cold weather game. Yeah
17:29So that like shit I said it like shit, it's alright he doesn't notice
17:32Dude they sure they were like get the fuck off and I couldn't get all my shits. He's like, come on, buddy
17:38It's time to go. We got more cars more ships. It makes sense. All right, Michael. We are
17:44Where are we?
17:45Minakaze, we know we're in Shugoku, which I think is good for us. Wait. Sorry. We have a big decision. I'll throw a stick
17:51I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick
17:55I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick. I'll throw a stick
17:59Wait, sorry, we have a big decision. I'll throw a stick
18:01I was gonna say that way or that way, but I think it's just this way
18:05Well, actually hold up compass. We should we should be going east. That's the most ideal route right way goes east left way goes north
18:12Okay, we go right until we find a hotel. We'll see you guys at the hotel. Welcome to joyful
18:19Well, we didn't get to film is that it was fucking dumping on us
18:22I filmed a little bit like a little bit. I tried to but it was kind of getting blasted already. It's fucking hail
18:29It was it was like Mike. I was like, yeah, he asked me in the helmet
18:34He was like, is it raining right now?
18:35I was like no because I see the dots on my bike because it's fucking bouncing off the
18:39It wasn't like sticking to us because it wasn't rain. It was just
18:42And it sounded loud
18:44And you're like, it's the trees. It's like, okay. I opened the visor. I got a chunk of ice in my mouth
18:48Maybe it is
18:51I'm tired as hell. Yeah, you should be dude. It's fucking 1030. This is the latest we've we rode a lot of motorcycles
18:58I was thinking about that because we couldn't talk to each other to my car door broke. Yeah, so I had to be with my thoughts
19:03Koji, oh my gosh, moss
19:08Okay, I don't know who you want to get you must
19:10Okay, oh my gosh, so that's oh
19:17I just got a fucking big piece of hamburger
19:21Some corn. I thought that was beans, but I think that is dead as one bean, baby
19:27You get a dollop of mayo that is one bean and then mayo on my croquette, which looks super crispy
19:32You know what? They crush in this country's fried food. I like how she gave us fork and knife. Yeah
19:38You know what fuck it dude, I'm not gonna pretend I don't like this
19:43Okay, my croquette
19:46That's the start of the show. I feel like a low-key is
20:01There's a hard thing
20:06It's the hottest thing man has ever made
20:09This could recreate this
20:12No, it's done for me. I'm done till fucking Hokkaido one bite review joyful
20:21Three two one seven and a half
20:25Yeah, we finished eating. We asked the nice lady where the hotel was she said
20:31Go down the damn road and then she kept saying something we'd understand. So we just kept going. Thank you boo. Thank you, boo
20:36I go. Ah, so it's a hi. Ah, so this hi, and she's like, yes, I asked you a question, but that's
20:43That's cool. So anyway, it's right there hotel. It stopped raining. All right. See you there room tour. Take a look
20:51We got the Queen bottom bunk right here
20:54right there we got
20:57Little futon little bunk bed action. That's where I'm at. This is Michael's bed. That's my bed
21:02I don't cozy spot should be good. I see you guys were curious
21:05Michael sings really beautifully when he's showering and then he'll randomly break into like
21:11What sounds like a perfect?
21:14Trumpet noise like he's been working on it for 20 years and he gives himself notes to like I'll do it
21:19I'll be like do do to do not to too low to do to do
21:23You know like fix it secret info you can only find out if you're spending every day together, sorry Lily