• hace 4 días


00:00We had a very, very good cabinet meeting.
00:03We're on our way to some tremendous numbers.
00:06I think, first of all, many companies are now
00:09moving into the United States.
00:11They're coming back.
00:12Some of them left us from many years ago, decades
00:15ago, and they're all — it seems they're all
00:18coming back.
00:18We have probably identified maybe $4
00:21trillion worth of companies moving back or
00:24going to move back.
00:26Many of them have announced it's going to be
00:28tremendous jobs, high-paying jobs, too.
00:31And you probably know the chip business — not
00:34because of the CHIPS Act, which was a disaster.
00:36You gave billions of dollars to companies
00:39that already have many billions of dollars.
00:40It just — they said, thank you very much.
00:43It was no incentive for them to use it.
00:45But what is good is the tariffs will make it so
00:48that they want to come back.
00:49That's why they're coming back.
00:51I think they're coming back because of the
00:53election that took place on November 5th and
00:55because of the fact that they have to come back
00:58because the tariffs are forcing them to come back.
01:01And remember, there are no tariffs if you build
01:04here, and that's a big factor.
01:06So we have record numbers.
01:08Howard was just telling me the numbers that we're
01:10talking about are crazy, beyond anybody's wildest
01:15So they'll be doing a lot of — a lot of building.
01:18All sorts of businesses, including the basics of
01:23We have, as you know, Indiana's — Honda is
01:25coming in with a massive plant to Indiana.
01:29But there are many plants that are happening, and
01:32literally some are started already.
01:34General Motors is already redoing plants that were
01:38half-abandoned, or they have plants that weren't
01:41being fully utilized.
01:43They're going to be — they and others are going
01:45to be making parts and other things in those
01:48plants so that it's one-stop shopping, finally.
01:51It's ridiculous.
01:51You had to go to Mexico.
01:52You had to go to Canada.
01:54A car went all over the place.
01:55It was like — I don't know how that would have
01:58worked, but that's the way it sort of ended up.
02:02We had a deal, and we have a deal.
02:04It's fine.
02:04But people took advantage of the deal.
02:07They cheated.
02:08And when you cheat, the deals are unfortunate.
02:11But now what's happening is the numbers are beyond
02:15our wildest expectations.
