The Dream Team moved in together and you guys have been asking for a house tour ever since. We scanned our entire house into Minecraft to give the most unique house tour on YouTube! Even the air vents! Subscribe for more :)
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BlockPrintr Mod Tutorial:
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Extended House Tour:
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
The Dream Team moved in together almost 3 years ago, and you guys have asked for a house tour ever since. I'm a Minecraft channel though, so of course we had to make it unique.
We coded a mod that makes it so you can scan things from real life into Minecraft. Of course the first thing we did with this mod was scan our ENTIRE HOUSE into Minecraft! We did this on Minecraft 1.21.4, but it's possible on basically any version! 1.8, 1.20, etc. The mod is called BlockPrintr.
This video is a mix of IRL vlog style content, and in game Minecraft content. Both showing off the house. We toured Sapnap's office and room, George's office and room, and the rest of the house!
Thank you guys for all of the love and support! Lots more cool stuff to come, another Titan Minecraft Manhunt is hopefully the next video! Comment down below ideas :)
Download the mod:
BlockPrintr Mod Tutorial:
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Extended House Tour:
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
The Dream Team moved in together almost 3 years ago, and you guys have asked for a house tour ever since. I'm a Minecraft channel though, so of course we had to make it unique.
We coded a mod that makes it so you can scan things from real life into Minecraft. Of course the first thing we did with this mod was scan our ENTIRE HOUSE into Minecraft! We did this on Minecraft 1.21.4, but it's possible on basically any version! 1.8, 1.20, etc. The mod is called BlockPrintr.
This video is a mix of IRL vlog style content, and in game Minecraft content. Both showing off the house. We toured Sapnap's office and room, George's office and room, and the rest of the house!
Thank you guys for all of the love and support! Lots more cool stuff to come, another Titan Minecraft Manhunt is hopefully the next video! Comment down below ideas :)
00:00Ever since my face reveal, I always get asked about doing a house tour. But I'm a Minecraft
00:04channel, so of course I coded a mod to scan our entire house into Minecraft, including even the
00:11air vents. But before we give you the most unique house tour on YouTube, I want to show you how the
00:16mod works. Because believe it or not, you can actually scan your own stuff into Minecraft.
00:20Your own room, or whatever you want to. And you just need a phone, not any super specialty
00:24equipment. With the mod I made, it takes literally one click. I made the mod work with 3D models,
00:30which means you can find a cool 3D model online and just add it to your Minecraft world.
00:34Like, I just scrolled this 3D model website, and look! This is just, this is a city! I didn't
00:40change it, I didn't do anything. This is literally just a city. And there are thousands and thousands,
00:46if not millions of 3D models online. It's crazy. What is this?
00:51Now, if you said a Porsche 911 Turbo S, I would be extremely impressed, because I do not know
00:56anything about cars. But this is actually a scan of Sapnap's car that we took in our garage.
01:01So, welcome to the house tour.
01:03This is Dream's poo car. And this is my epic nice car.
01:07Yeah, this is my car. It's Tesla.
01:09I was never going to show it, but I guess Dream's going to see it too.
01:13It's kind of cringe, but I feel like it's like, you can barely see it.
01:17Can I put my logo on the back of it?
01:19Look at that. It's very, like, Sapnap.
01:22And of course, I also made it so you can change the settings pretty quickly.
01:25So you can really customize how things look if you want.
01:28But yeah, if you want to download the mod, the link's in the description.
01:30I want to see what cool stuff you guys can scan in. It's called Block Printer.
01:33But now, it's time to give you a tour of the Dream Team house.
01:38What's up, Dream? We're home!
01:39Wait, we're back!
01:41Oh my god!
01:41We just came in the house!
01:42We came out the front door!
01:44Look, this is my office here on the right.
01:46This is my office. You guys probably saw it in the face reveal video.
01:49This is right where I was sitting, you know, when I was doing the mask thing.
01:52Wait, look, I'm going to do it. Go stand by the monitor.
01:54Hey, guys! I'm Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
01:58Is that what I said? That's not what I said.
02:00I think there's no way I said I'm Clay.
02:02Hi, my name is Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
02:06That's what I said!
02:06I'm Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
02:08I'm Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
02:10I'm Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
02:12I'm Clay, otherwise known as Dream.
02:14That's what I said!
02:16This is the famous face reveal office.
02:18Yeah, this is the face reveal office.
02:20These are my two Guinness World...
02:22Wait, why is one smaller than the other? That's not life accurate.
02:24These are my two Guinness World Records right here.
02:26Why do you have a bed?
02:28Because I sleep in here sometimes.
02:30This is my Baker Mayfield jersey.
02:32It's like an autographed jersey.
02:34He's number six, so there you go.
02:36You can clearly see that.
02:38My fire hydrant.
02:40Fire hydrant?
02:42It's called a fire extinguisher.
02:44Oh, a fire extinguisher?
02:46Not a fire hydrant.
02:48This is one massive monitor.
02:50One large monitor.
02:52That's what my monitor looks like.
02:54That's what I'm looking at right now.
02:56I'm actually way up here.
02:58I'm sitting right here in real life.
03:00There's a Nintendo Switch up here.
03:02They even got the door orientation correct.
03:04This is the living room.
03:06I guess we're right here.
03:08This is where we live.
03:10Nice and modern.
03:12We got some modern kitchen aesthetics.
03:14It's just so clean. I wish our kitchen looked like this.
03:16This is our kitchen.
03:18Wait, George lied. He said it was dirty.
03:20He has these wet gloves.
03:22Wait, look.
03:24There's a Minion mug.
03:26Here's our fridge. Let's see what we're eating.
03:28Oh, the fridge opens.
03:30We open up the fridge here.
03:32We got drinks.
03:34We got our pantry.
03:36Just some random stuff in here.
03:38There's a thousand rolls of toilet paper.
03:42Toilet paper.
03:44Toilet paper.
03:46Toilet paper.
03:48Toilet paper.
03:50We need toilet paper.
03:52That's not that crazy.
03:54I want to go in the vent.
03:56I want to go in the vent.
03:58We're in the vent.
04:00This is interesting.
04:02Wait, what is this?
04:04It's another vent.
04:06Oh, it's right in the kitchen.
04:08These vents connect. I guess it makes sense.
04:10Wait, what? This goes upstairs.
04:12Wait, let's just see where we end up.
04:14Then we can continue the tour there.
04:16Wait, there's a constant...
04:18We found somewhere.
04:20I'm in the ping pong room.
04:22It's the upstairs living room.
04:24We're in the upstairs area.
04:26We went up these stairs where we are.
04:28There's the front door where we started.
04:30That's my room, which we'll see later.
04:32Ping pong table here.
04:34This is for all the mobile phones.
04:36Oh, really?
04:42Oh, wow.
04:44Alright, come on. Ready?
04:54Yeah, Milo messed up.
04:56Wait, record this.
05:00Record this.
05:06And then...
05:08We have a room here that now is storage,
05:10but when we did this scan, it was a green screen room.
05:12Patches, when this tree was here,
05:14Patches would always hide underneath it.
05:16She would eat it as well and then throw it up.
05:18I remember that.
05:20Oh, you see this couch?
05:22It doesn't exist anymore, and you know why?
05:26I don't know. Why doesn't this couch exist?
05:28I'm pretty sure what happened is your cats
05:30literally pooed on every inch of it.
05:32And then
05:34it was just completely soiled.
05:36And we had to remove it.
05:38The bean bags are here.
05:40I don't know where they went.
05:42Why aren't those bean bags there anymore?
05:44Alright, this is the guest room.
05:46We've got a bedroom here.
05:50That's pretty much it.
05:52The guest bedroom is just kind of lame.
05:54Alright, now we have George and Sapnap's rooms
05:56and offices.
05:58So this is Sapnap's room.
06:00If you're up the stairs and you go to the right,
06:02this is the door.
06:04You're in his little area.
06:06To the right, we have his office. To the middle, we have his bathroom.
06:08To the left, we have his room.
06:10Let's go in the office first, I guess.
06:12Welcome, guys.
06:14Welcome back, guys.
06:16What's up, guys? Today, I'm joined here with Dream.
06:18It's pretty cool. I'll be honest, your office is cooler than mine.
06:20Wait, what's this?
06:22Oh, it's the Among Us...
06:24The gay Among Us.
06:26The Among Us pop-it thing.
06:28He has a gay fidget toy on his counter. Let's just note that.
06:30It's interesting.
06:32For no reason.
06:34Wait, look, it's a YouTube play button. Two YouTube play buttons.
06:36His play button's on the wall.
06:38Aren't you proud of yourself?
06:42This is my drawer.
06:44Alright. What's on it?
06:48You might be able to tell who this is.
06:52I can't.
06:54This is an Xbox in here.
06:56Yeah, that's a Burberry.
06:58Minecraft Xbox.
07:00Wow, Burberry and Minecraft
07:02and Xbox. Look at that.
07:04That is so epic.
07:08Do you like his office, George?
07:10It's alright.
07:12We're used to recording Minecraft videos, George.
07:18Let's go to his gross bathroom.
07:20We connect to his bathroom right here.
07:22This is where I poo.
07:24This is where Savnot takes his poos.
07:26This is where I take a shower.
07:28Oh, the door slides.
07:30That's cool.
07:32Wait, look.
07:34This is the sliding door.
07:36I don't like how this thing slides, to be honest.
07:38Oh, you mean like in real life?
07:42It would actually be better if it was just one.
07:44But actually, I will say, there is an advantage.
07:46And I'll show you.
07:48I come around the toilet.
07:50I turn the shower on.
07:52So I don't get wet.
07:54Then I close this.
07:56And I wait for it to warm up.
07:58And then I come back through here.
08:00And then I close this side so the handle is on the right side.
08:02Wow, it's like a whole strategic process.
08:06This is my flat screen TV.
08:08It's just diabolically tiny.
08:10I guess, to be fair, compared to the TVs we've seen so far,
08:12it is kind of tiny.
08:14And also, mine is hung up.
08:16Yours is hung?
08:18Yours is hung.
08:20Also, I have surround sound in my bedroom now.
08:24Do you have speakers inside of your mattress, though?
08:26Do you remember the problem?
08:28You can't open his underwear drawer.
08:30I did want to look in there.
08:32Where do you keep your secret belongings in here?
08:34Tell us where your drawers are.
08:38This top left drawer is white socks.
08:40This top right drawer is black socks.
08:42Wait, I have two drawers for socks as well.
08:44Wait, really?
08:46I have a white and black sock drawer.
08:48It's just better that way.
08:50Whenever you pick an outfit,
08:52you already know what sock you want.
08:54Alright, look.
08:56This is where his white and black socks are.
08:58He has three white socks.
09:00Alright, come on. Show us the black ones.
09:02Here's the black ones.
09:04Why do you have so many black socks?
09:06Wait, he has a roulette table.
09:08He's a degenerate.
09:10Alright, guys.
09:12Do your bets in for gambling.
09:14If it lands on red, you have to subscribe.
09:16If it's black, you unsubscribe.
09:18If it's green, you subscribe to me.
09:20I don't want to do black.
09:22Please, green. That's all I want.
09:26You have to subscribe.
09:28Let's go to George's trash room
09:30where he's got things on the floor instead.
09:32Let's see George's room.
09:34Let's start with his office on the left side.
09:36No, stop.
09:38Why are you taking control?
09:40First thing first,
09:42if you want to enter George's room, you have to walk through his bathroom,
09:44which is disgusting.
09:46You have to pray he hasn't taken a dump
09:48in the last 30 minutes.
09:50To be fair, I use this as a closet now.
09:52I use this as storage.
09:54I'm going to give a room tour of my office.
09:56I'm locking us in.
09:58I'm sitting right here, right now.
10:00Here's my camera, my two lights, my three monitors,
10:02my whole PC setup, blah, blah, blah.
10:04PC under the desk, classic.
10:08Here's my PC setup. It's nice.
10:10It is pretty nice.
10:12PC on the ground.
10:14This is my shoe rack.
10:16I keep my shoes in here, because why not?
10:18Wait, what are these?
10:20What are those?
10:22Isn't that crazy?
10:24I can tell these are your Yeezys.
10:26Oh yeah, these ones here.
10:28Oh, those are the ones on the top.
10:30Those were on the top row before.
10:32You moved them since the scan.
10:34All this stuff on the floor
10:36is now in a nice storage thing.
10:38This is an NFT, actually.
10:40Sent by YouTube.
10:42YouTube sanctioned NFT.
10:44You know what's funny?
10:46I stole Tommy and his YouTube NFT.
10:48I don't think I ever talked about that.
10:50Wait, maybe that's why he hates me.
10:52Wait, Savnap.
10:56He started this.
10:58Wait, you started this all.
11:00They sent a bunch of Creators, I think over 10 mil or something.
11:04Created for GeorgeNotFound.
11:06His NFT.
11:08Anyway, I think this is my
11:101 mil play button. This is like 100k.
11:12I think this is a Guinness World Record at all.
11:14My Guinness World Record for most
11:16viewers on a cooking live stream.
11:18Most viewers on a cooking live stream.
11:20Were you cooking or being cooked?
11:22I was cooking.
11:24This is a Nimbus 2000.
11:26A fan sent this to me. It's pretty epic.
11:28Oh wait, there's the Nimbus.
11:30This is the broom.
11:32All made of wood and the right materials
11:34and metal and stuff. It's pretty epic.
11:36Oh look, this is the Minion
11:38plushie that someone made. It's like a GeorgeNotFound
11:40Minion. Look, there's a Minion.
11:42There's a Minion in there. Fans made these.
11:44I don't know what all this stuff is.
11:46This is a fan. Well, this is literally a fan.
11:48Yeah, this is literally a fan
11:50in my office.
11:54This is
11:56an air fan in my office.
11:58An air fan, yes.
12:02It just happened to be there during the scan.
12:04And we just didn't tell them
12:06to move. We were just like, alright,
12:08just stay there. We'll be real still.
12:12the fan's there? Yeah, this is the fan.
12:14Wait, do you know what this is?
12:16This is a Tubbo ukulele.
12:20From Revolt.
12:22Life is crazy.
12:24Don't do anything stupid, guys.
12:26This is definitely not
12:28a great example for what could be here.
12:30Whoever's behind it, he supports.
12:32Don't do something stupid, guys.
12:34Alright, let's go to George's room.
12:36This office sucks. This is my bathroom.
12:38It's like the same as 7up's, basically.
12:40You already
12:42made my bed wet.
12:44Yeah, I do that.
12:46I'm like that.
12:48I'm like that. Come on.
12:50It'd be nice though.
12:54That was good.
12:56That was good.
12:58Look, look what you did to my bed.
13:00Wait, look, your room slides.
13:02Wait, George, so his entry room is like a sliding door.
13:04It's a pocket door.
13:06Also, for the record, you can lock the person in the room
13:08in from the bathroom.
13:10The lock is in the bathroom.
13:12The lock is on the other side.
13:14My room's been updated a little bit since then.
13:16It is still
13:18pretty boring. Here is more
13:20IKEA furniture. What's in this drawer?
13:22I actually have another one of these on the other side now.
13:24Double the space.
13:26This is the side table.
13:28There's no space there.
13:30I'm going air purifier to
13:32purify the air.
13:34It doesn't look like there's room. Did you have to move the bed?
13:36I did move the bed. I moved it slightly
13:38to the right because it's interesting.
13:40You see how there's one block of space here
13:42for this angle?
13:44Now, there's zero blocks of space.
13:46I moved it all the way across.
13:48This is my side table.
13:50There's stuff on it.
13:52There is literally no space.
13:54What the heck?
13:58What is that?
14:02Samnap? George?
14:04Go on, name the rest.
14:10There's now a TV on this wall
14:12that's bigger than Samnap's, considerably bigger.
14:14It's also
14:16free. I stole it from you.
14:18Here's my TV that's bigger than Samnap's.
14:20Try to fit it in the camera.
14:22This is
14:24an Eevee plushie.
14:26Look, this is my underwear drawer
14:28in here.
14:34This is my black sock drawer
14:36and this is my white sock drawer.
14:42Samnap, stop looking!
14:44Stop looking at my other stuff!
14:46We leave
14:48through his bathroom. We'll close this door.
14:50Now we can go downstairs.
14:52We'll go to my room.
14:54Let's try and get to my room
14:56through the vents.
14:58Only walking.
15:00It goes the wrong way.
15:02Go right.
15:04It's a dead end.
15:06That's non-connectable.
15:08It might not connect because you have a different
15:10AC system to us.
15:12I do, that's right.
15:14It might not connect.
15:16Let's see if that's accurate.
15:18The ACs don't connect
15:20because my room is on a different AC
15:22than their room.
15:24We'll just go through here.
15:26If you come to the front door, here's me right here.
15:28Double doors.
15:32Look, I got a cat beanie
15:36It says cat on it.
15:38I have my cat beanies.
15:40Bro's room is huge.
15:42I have his TV.
15:44This is the one that's in George's room.
15:46It's the same model.
15:48It's the exact same model.
15:50I guess my room is pretty boring.
15:52Except for my bed that plays music.
15:56Other than that, my closet.
15:58This is my closet.
16:00Who's this?
16:04It's my family.
16:06That's Larry.
16:10Are you going to show that?
16:12This is my down and play button.
16:14They're next to the cat box.
16:18Four gold ones, three silver ones.
16:20This is my 10 mil play button
16:22up in the box here.
16:24Wow, he's so humble.
16:26I don't care about the accolades.
16:28I just care about the friends
16:30we've made along the way.
16:34Name them.
16:36I got the game award here.
16:38We got my
16:40streaming awards here.
16:42Gaming 2020, 2021,
16:44and 2023.
16:46Gaming of the year, gaming of the year,
16:48and then gamer of the year.
16:50This is my closet.
16:52This is my shoe rack.
16:54That's pretty much it.
16:56Stupid thing on the floor.
16:58I would remove this.
17:00I like that.
17:02It's aura.
17:04Then we have my bathroom.
17:06The bathroom looks so cool in here.
17:08The pillars and stuff
17:10are fancy, I guess.
17:12It's so grandiose.
17:14I have a TV over my bath.
17:16It takes so long
17:18to fill up this bath.
17:20It's too big.
17:22I've always wanted a really big bath.
17:24Maybe using that would open my eyes
17:26that it's actually too big.
17:28This is the bathroom.
17:30It actually looks remarkably similar
17:32to in-game.
17:34It is a big bath.
17:38That's it.
17:46Put it down.
17:48It doesn't work.
17:50The sprayer doesn't work.
17:54We have the TV up there.
17:56My toilet.
17:58That's pretty much it.
18:00They put a canonical
18:02poo in the toilet.
18:05It was during
18:07when they scanned it.
18:09I had a big turd in there on accident.
18:11I'm just kidding.
18:13Let's see what Dream smells like.
18:15What is this one?
18:20Night de Paris.
18:24It has motion.
18:26Stop spraying me.
18:30Wait, now you can smell like me.
18:33I feel like
18:35you don't use that, do you?
18:37I use the green one most often.
18:39This doesn't smell like Dream.
18:43Now it's spraying my room.
18:45Let's head to the movie room.
18:47We have a little cat room here.
18:49This is Patches' room.
18:51This is her
18:53little automatic litter box.
18:55She goes in here and takes a poo.
18:59I've seen her do it.
19:02Here we have the mudroom.
19:04This is where you enter.
19:06This is George's fridge.
19:08It's George and Nick's fridge.
19:10George says it's his fridge.
19:12Here is the movie room.
19:14Let's start with the laundry room.
19:16Here's the laundry room.
19:18No one cares about this room.
19:20We have a washer and dryer.
19:22I like the laundry room.
19:24We have two of each.
19:26We have a popcorn machine
19:28on the right side.
19:33You're wasting it.
19:35Kids in Africa could have drank in that.
19:37They're kids.
19:39These are movie posters on the wall.
19:41We have the posters.
19:43We have Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter.
19:45They stole this.
19:47They forgot to take off
19:49the watermark.
19:51We have the Spider-Man poster.
19:53You enter and then boom.
19:55The movie theater room.
19:57It looks just like it does.
19:59This is a perfect transition.
20:01Enter Minecraft.
20:03We didn't look in the bathroom.
20:05It's just a bathroom.
20:11Just a bathroom.
20:13You got this right.
20:15You can see this thing here.
20:17We got some pipage in there.
20:19That's the movie room.
20:21Back to coding.
20:27Anyway guys, if you want to use the mod
20:29check out the link in the description.
20:31When you use it and scan stuff in
20:33you can post it with the hashtag blockprinter
20:35or just however you can get my attention.
20:37I'll definitely check it out.
20:39I posted two other videos that are on the screen right now.
20:41One is the extended house tour and one is more about the mod.
20:43Thank you guys. Subscribe.